Radiation jitters spike demand for iodine pills
Nutrition stores on the West Coast have reported steady sales since Saturday to customers seeking potassium iodine pills, reputedly an effective way to combat the effects of radiation exposure. Although government and public health officials say there is little or no danger of nuclear fallout from Japan reaching the west coast in significant amounts, demand for the pills locally has only increased.
"I've only sold three bottles since the weekend, that's all I had, but I have a list as long as two arms for people who want it," said Pat Priel, a registered nurse who supervises the Nature's Pantry shop on Clark Road in Paradise.
She said the store will notify customers on the list as the pills become available. Priel said people on the list are not customers who normally take iodine pills for other reasons.
The California Department of Public Health has issued an opinion that potassium iodine pills, also known as K1, are not recommended at this time. It states the pills can pose a health risk to people with allergies to iodine or shellfish, or have thyroid problems. A prescription isn't needed to buy them.
Priel said she counsels purchasers on the possible side effects and recommended doses.
Loring Hammer, the operator of Nature's Sunshine Products on Pillsbury Road in Chico, said every other call she's been getting recently has been about potassium iodine.
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