
Guide book of the distributor of company NSP.

What changes occur to the person passed a way from the beginner, to the top leader in our company and in network marketing as in a whole?

And also, what it is necessary to do at different stages of our long way?

Here on these questions I will present you the vision.

The person has learnt about company NSP.
And at first people learn, basically, about production. Production is the key stimulus that probably further will awake the desire to understand and get into the business.

In our family, for example, such had happened.

It doesn’t matter from which market does the person had come, from the cold market or he/she is our old-old acquaintance.

And both production and business quite often causes in the beginner the mistrust, also taking in account alone members of his family.

At this time we are left by many people who even have not tried any production of the company. And often the environment influences acceptance of such decision.

And those who have tried ….

You, possibly, now wait, that the subsequent text will be such: «And those who have tried FOR EVER remain consumers of our production»

No. Not all. And not always. Yes, production works. Also it works remarkably.

But I won’t longer describe, why all the same, bought our high-quality supplements all ever and cosmetics and the more so, the received results, do not remain with us for ever, it is possible to show as a result an elementary example.

You have got a good car. To it there are any, well or nearly no censures.

But, having done a bit of travelling on it in a time, you buy the car other mark or at all do not buy any.

You would like new sensations. You think that other car will be better. Probably.
But you know there is a saying in this occasion: "let well alone".

And also after getting the good result, person calms down and forgotten all, as to say, sly it. And when the problem arises again not the fact, that he again will find you and will make you happy with new purchases.

So, someone remains with us, and someone not.

There is nothing terrible in it. Look! How many people are around!

So, the person remained. And more often it happens; he buys something from time to time the production, periodically.

What time? It could be in some months or even some years.
It is promoted, first of all, by high quality of production, results in the field of health and appearance which are received by the person and the members of his family.

Well and the educational arrangements’ on which, probably, the person periodically goes.

At this stage different variants of the development are possible for the further events.
- The person can stay and to remain production consumer.
- Can cease in general during any moment to use production
- To start time from time to be involved in our business.

There is, of course, one more variant of succession of the events. When the person is connected at once to the business.

We search for such people. But under the law of equation such people is not enough in the whole world. I.e. we need more, but there are not enough of them. And on the contrary. On a usual labour market, it is necessary to the employer a little, and there are a lot of interested persons.

At once join to us those people who, having learnt about network marketing, at once accepts it and get connected to business. Those people who searched for something similar, but did not know that. I.e. those who are ready to it. And also had or operating like networker from other network companies.

By the way it is the most fertile group. With them it is easy enough to communicate and interesting.
How to work with the consumers? Simply easy. We should support good relations with them. We periodically call them. Probably, somewhere we meet with them. We invite them to our actions. It is possible to do dispatch of the new information by electronic or usual mail.

Whether happens, that these people once come to business? Yeah, it happens. And it is frequently happen. If you have asked any employment of business, to lift their hands those people who has come to the company as the consumer, and then remained in business 80% of them will be such people.

But the majority of consumers so far ever also remain them.

And here our beginner in business starts to go on employment, to set questions, to call by us to phone. It is a good sign.

What should we do with it? It is necessary to take it in our warm, gentle sponsor's hands and to cultivate. As the gardener cultivates the favourite plants.

And here our already perspective distributor starts to grow on a career stages. You are already in a rank of the consultant. You have some person in your structure. You became the sponsor.

You had a responsibility for the people. You start to teach gradually. But while this teaching remains basically at personal level.

You have in structure people who were invited not by you personally. I.e. depth starts to appear. The first bonuses which you have received not only for personal purchases, but also for purchases of people of your organization start to appear.

Yes, your first cheque is the small check, but appears accurate understanding, that those figures which you see in your check, will look much more attractive, if to add to  them the zero or some zeroes increases.

And you already know, that your been valid can be. Also it will be simple to continue to do correct things.

After a while you rise on a step of the manager. Here there is more goods turnover; it is more than small group of people in structure and as a result - more money.

But money yet is not enough to leave the basic work and seriously to be engaged in MLM.

The person reads more, special network literature, and the literature on person’s development.

You act more, basically on house mugs. And most likely at you in structure have already appeared one or two consultants.

More often, on this rank people are not long late. It, such - intermediate.

And here already you, once the beginner, reach the first significant rank in company NSP - a rank of the leader. It is top of an initial part of ours marketing plan.

You with the structure are allocated in the independent organization. In general, for which you already bear responsibility.

It is good, if up this time the leader is really the leader. I.e. you know much, you are able to teach, lead skillfully meetings, to work in "field", to incur responsibility. The leader can already read all themes which we give on our employment, to hold presentation, to hold a meeting two on one. Naturally you are able to hold a meeting with the competitor himself. You have all materials on business. You are able to use the computer. To do independently all orders on points.

If (and so should be) his sponsor and system have carried out the paramount problem. Now his sponsor gives less time to the leader of the first generation and, the sponsor, can give now more time to new growing up leaders.

And if it does not exist. If the new leader still "crude" and this happens quite often. What to be done? We continue working with him, we help him to understand, that if he will not bring up in himself the leader’s responsibility, leader’s quality it would be a long time to expect development of his business.

If he won’t have passed and won’t get experienced on himself a way of the pupil, he cannot become the instructor.

I.e. our aim is to create from this command led by the newly made leader - separate "fighting" unit which could make independently the decisions, carry out training actions, to create the similar. I.e., to duplicate all this process downwards on structure. Differently to grow up and develop without our close sponsor's guardianship.

And if you manage to create "fighting" unit even earlier when our brand new leader was still the manager, and even at the consultant stage it is even better.

Here more attention is necessary to give to the image. Certainly, image is very important for any person. As soon as you come in MLM, pay attention to how you put on, what spirits at you, your hair dress, for women a make-up.

But the leader should pay on this special attention. After all you have already a little taken place as the businessman. You hav3e been already congratulated by your sponsors. Thereby you have declared to the world, that you have achieved something. In a time you have achieved something, people who follow you or which else will follow you, will want to be similar to you.

And what person you became and the way you look, what you can presume, that did not allow earlier, will be attractive for other people.

On what the leader should pay special attention.

The answer is idle simple - on education of leaders of his organization. And how to learn who from your organization will become the future leader? That is the person who somehow differs from other people of your structure.

He is more active, he goes on employment, on actions which are spent by your company, your sponsors and you. The most important thing - he "sows" the information on production and business. It sets questions, he calls to you, and he carries out all your tasks. And you feel yourself with this person well. This is very important too. After all our business is a business of human relations. It is quite probable, that you will be in the future very good companions, and can also be friends. You after all are similar, at you the similar purposes, one kind of activity.

And here comes the moment when you have brought up the first leader. You are a leader-assistant.

You have already a confidence that, having repeated this success of 19 more times, and you - at the highest step of a career stage under the name the Member of Board of directors or is short – D-board.
In this rank you have a pride of the first leader. To you it is very pleasant; when he steps on the stage and tells that in many respects thanks to you, that costs here.
In this rank you already start to receive the first significant words of gratitude.
But you understand that, on the rank the leader-assistant is only the beginning of your big way.

And you know that with such qualitative production which is let out by our company NSP and with such marketing, that’s your chances soon to increase and grow up two more leaders in the first generation. For this purpose, possibly, it is required you at about one year. That is actively working leader grows up on the average one, two leaders in a year.

And you have thoughts about if instead of whether to start to put to of more forces in this business, will it start to arise?

Probably you even think of whether to leave your basic work? But, probably, you drive these thoughts away because it is terrible to you to remain without work. After all network marketing is not so serious? Yes?

And here you decide to put really more forces in this business. And you have already convince your second half (at whom the husband at whom the wife), after the skeptical relation to your not clear activity, and they start to concern more validly.

Any more your second half is not so categorical reminds, that you should choose visiting evening adventures god knows where or me.

You have additional money and you even, about horror, inform that in 2 months you are going to study and have a rest together with the company to Egypt.

By this time you have already written the purposes and, probably, have hung out them in a prominent place in your house. And if you have not written them yet, write!

One of your main purposes is to visit the Birthday of the company. It is a holiday which is spent annually in different cities of the CIS. Our business cannot be seen at once entirely. And for many distributors, it looks invisible. But, just on these holidays it is possible to see scope of business of our company partially. First, you see, how from year to year it is necessary to remove the increasing and big halls, and, secondly, you already know today, that NSP collects the greatest palaces for such meetings.

You start to visit also our festivals and leader schools which are spent in different cities.

You develop as the professional of network marketing.

And here at you on a breast is a silver badge of the leader-consultant.

In our company there’s a saying, it is possible to become casually the leader-assistant, but casually to become the leader-consultant, well in any way it is impossible. All the same a minimum 3 leaders in the first generation from the sky will not fall.

On various holidays of the company, you can notice that people in the rank of leader-consultants is already less than people in two previous leaders ranks. You speak other words from a scene, than earlier. And definitely you after all grow as the person.

But at you appears more responsibility. And it is possible at you even there are distributors from the other region. And your leader of the first generation does not wish to go to another city. And you are the leader-consultant. You have been congratulated on leaving from the basic work. And now your basic work is NSP.

And here you go to other city, hold there amazing presentation, conduct lessons on business and production. Inspire people and in two days with triumph leave home.

And then by results of a month with pleasure you notice that your arrival to city N, has resulted in goods turnover increase. But in a month you establish the fact that volumes have fallen again. You take with yourselves the sponsor which bottom line are the distributors of city N, and together  you hold there even more amazing presentation and business seminars.

And by results of a month in listings you again see expected splash of activity.
But in a month you again establish the fact, that …. Correctly, volumes have fallen again.

What is the reason? That while you are in a region you will not appear, at least one person (though it is necessary a little) which will take in hand management of structure, and will introduce business system - only then the network will grow, without your direct, constant stimulation.

But that fact should please you that your structures had grown up in your native city, turnover of goods had increased. You start to feel yourselves the residual income means. You it is less, than made efforts in the native city earlier, and money you have earned more. Yes!!!

And do you know why it occurs? Yes-yes, because the business system works. Because without your participation your leaders and distributors of parallel branches do business.

All is adjusted, process goes. And all because in your city is mature leaders who know, what they want, know that it is necessary to do and know, how is it necessary to do it.

Because in your city that knowledge and skills which have led already many people to successes are transferred from generation to generation. And they are transferred because in your city there are leaders from the big letter.

Last leader rank is - the leader-manager.

To your award is added the “organization” award from all depth of your organization. Now your check becomes “heavier" at once.

It gives you the big forces, and you understand, that one more jerk, and you will pass plan marketing in the most significant part of ours.

At this stage you have a firm belief, that network marketing is a force.

You already had become the mature leader, and not simply mature, but the leader in «the juice».

In your eyes is read the confidence and calmness. You have already known all and are able to do all. Anyway, it seems to you. When you hold presentation, you simply perfect the skills. And you feel how you grow.

Your organization has extended on some new regions. You have visited many of them. But in some you have not been yet. And it is pleasant to you to realize, that your network is such big.

In the structure you considered as the knowing and useful sponsor. And, after all it’s indeed.

And somewhere at this time you dress known red raincoat of the superman that by all from a film, with big letter S on the breast middle. You become the necessary and influential person.

Without your participation many problems could not be solved. Your distributors call you, and you are called by 24 hours per a day. It is necessary to have a sleep in breaks between management processes. Probably, you even feel that your health has somehow started to give failures. And your earlier daily employment by physical culture, become more and more rare. But it is pleasant to you. And in it there is nothing bad. It is normal.

And once you catch yourselves on thought: «And where that is measured life with the passive income which was represented to you when you have understood, what network marketing is? »

Hitch of it lies in that you "have got stuck" in a silk red raincoat with big letter S on the breast middle. Yes, it fits you good. When you look at yourselves in a mirror you see the courageous and invincible superhero.

But in your environment there are people who wish to try it on too. And they too wish to become such as you. Remember, after all your people wish to be similar to you.

Remove from itself this red raincoat and transfer it faster to the other leader. It will unload your working day and will bring special pleasant taste in your life and a life of your family.

And by that you will advance the main idea of network marketing - you teach your distributors to supervise and teach other people.

It will give your key people confidence, forces, recognition, authority, and to you - money and a free time.

This rank is enduring since the increase of goods turnover from 10 000 to 30 000 PV in one month, is not so simple.

But the red raincoat on shoulders of your several leaders will give the chance to overcome this way much faster and with smaller loss of forces and nerves.

And here, at last, you reach a rank the director-assistant. Receive the management badge. And in the warm afternoon with second half which has turned to your best assistant from the skeptic, sit down in airline by Delta plane airlines, and in 10 hours land on the American continent. You change to the other flight, already local airlines, and soon you are in Salt Lake City.

Your stay in America passes as one day. You amaze emptiness and cleanliness of the capital of Utah State. You amaze madness and magnificence of Las Vegas. You amaze smiles and friendliness of our American colleagues. That order and validity of manufacture is. Completeness and pleasant conditions of office of the company is.

And also the party remembered to your whole life on a country house of constantly smiling and perfectly well looking founder of our company - Gin Hughes.

After America you have a new circle of contacts. They are newly made directors with whom you have got acquainted on this trip.

You go on tour to all regions where you have partners in business, and describe all the days long your stay in the USA in “bright” and “tasty” words.

Your check increases to very decent level. And in your eyes and actions there is something that is hard to describe any words.

In a word – you are the DIRECTOR.

For leaders of your organization you are the director, instead of someone from your higher line. Responsibility for development of business of your structure increases. It is not necessary to forget, that this rank, is only initial on a way of your big success.

And on former it is necessary for you to give ACTIVELY people the information on our business and production.

In the following trip with the company abroad, from YOUR management structure, is going the significant amount of people. After a trip to this country, you’ll see that something has essentially changed in some of your people. And how could it be differently? After all they, for the first time in a life, who in the 30 and who in 60 years, have visited other country. Still there it was joyful to you to observe, how this or that leader, looked somewhere afar, and you understood, what thoughts are carried by now in a head of your distributor.

But time goes forward, and you are aimed at the following rank. You know that in the majority of the director not long sit up at the first management step.

New and new leaders grow in your organization. You at all do not know some by sight.

Network business as it says - leading. The system works - the wheel turns.

And here in a year or two, and can three, you are congratulated on a rank the director-consultant. And on the question how have you reached to this rank, you shrug shoulders and answer that somehow by itself it has turned out.

On company action, in the other city, your favourite, already the leader-manager withdraws you aside and says that wishes you to get acquaint with his new leaders. He brings you to the group of leaders and says, that here you are get acquainted with our director.

Well, and you need to tell only, that yes, as the fates decree, I am your director.

But, of course, not only from holidays and trips the life of the director consists.
It is still enough strained, but to impropriety interesting business.

You still search for new people. You after all for all life have remembered words from the book on network marketing in which very successful woman - networker, Jane Rue, has told, that the greatest error which you can make in network marketing is to cease to sign new people.

At any moment when you want to relax, you can allow yourselves it. Well, if want, certainly.

Here there is one trap for directors of this rank. Money is, business develops, to a following rank, like even to grow and grow. And relaxation process can be tightened.
Appoint to itself certain time for this pleasant process if consider, that for you it is necessary. And when designated time will expire or to you will bother to relax - again in a way.

So, you earn decent enough money which helps you to change further your life and the life of your family. You already had new car, you live or only build new apartment or the house of your dream. You go to have a rest some times in a year.

You the self-sufficient person and your second half helps you to be such.

You are more and more get interested in such business new to you as investments.

In parallel with your new interests, it is not necessary to forget, that development of the person - is infinite. Still it is a lot of books not read by you. People who wish to be similar to you became more and more. And you should correspond to new criteria, to the criteria of even more successful and more formed person.

Those problems which were in your competence till this period, it is necessary to give to solve to other people of your organization. You put other worthy people in the forefront. And pass to the following level of the competence. And how in the nature - all repeats again and again. But clearly, with people from yours business organization.

You would not like to carry a business suit any more. Because it seems to you, that the successful and self-sufficient person it is visible and without a suit. You even read and heard from other people, that such people carry a free fashion. In English language there is such word - casual, that means the involuntary.
You can allow yourselves it. But at certain situations, you come back to a business suit.

And you on the former remember that while you will not create system of self-reproduced business, in those regions where you have networks, to speak about reliable long-term business it is not necessary.

And if you did earlier in this direction all truly most likely your business is already reliable also goods turnover monthly increases.

And you can predict what goods turnover at you will be, for example, in half a year or in a year. It is simple enough.

Receiving monthly listing on all your structure, you already know, what quantity of people comes every month to your network (we do not forget, that the part of people none activity leaves system).

And so having divided your general goods turnover on quantity of distributors of your network, you know, how many in the average points one distributor does. And then you can increase prospective quantity of distributors which will be in your network, for example, in a year, by average goods turnover of each person.

Or one more variant. You calculate, group points how many does each leader, and multiply by prospective quantity of leaders of your entire network.

The time passes - and you become the director-manager.

You have made a serious step to achieve this rank. Why the serious? Because leaders of the first generation still should be grown up such many, how many all was necessary for the leader-manager. That is - 5. And the rank rises all on one. And the total amount in 7 generations should be doubled from the previous rank. But, if you are purposeful and persevering, efficient and professional, you assuredly will rise on this step.

And having reached this top, you feel at once substantial growth of the check.

You receive one more powerful gift from the company. This is visiting TAC - Club of the Top Achievements of Nature's Sunshine Products Company. But, the truth, you can visit it only once - that year when you were qualified. Every year TAC is spent in the different countries of the world. Last some years our newly made directors-managers have visited on event Italy, the Great Britain, France, Cyprus, on the Hawaiian Islands, have made sea cruise over the Scandinavian countries. Following ТАС 2008 had being passed in Switzerland. On this event the best gather top leaders from all countries of the world.

In your structure there are representatives of the various countries. And these countries are not limited only to the CIS countries. You are the welcome guest and the teacher for them. And your arrival becomes serious event and a holiday.

Certainly, for you is important what to tell to these people. After all your arrival is, first of all performance – you are very successful person. And everyone sitting in a hall is the beginner or the distributor with the big rank listens to you to adopt your skill and experience.

Many people, with whom you began this business, today are powerful people in the company. And some of them are your friends and good acquaintances. You had a lot of free time and money. And for you it is twice pleasant.

After all you understand that possibility to have a free time and money are a treasure, to find which is not possible for many people. And to have these two values is just, what has been given you to have appeared in due time and in the necessary place, and also you HAVE HEARD what your sponsor wished to tell you several years ago. And you these years were the person of action. And the structure the top of which, the higher sponsor, it is you, first of all competent leader who had grown up competent leaders, gives you this most residual income allowing you to have a free time and money.

You continue to invest your available assets in various investment programs. And it in turn leads you still to bigger financial success.

Well and there is one more rank in the company, the highest rank for you, certainly, are simply obliged you to reach it. And having reached it, you will now named – D-board.
It is difficult to reach? It’s difficult.

Is it probable? Yes, it’s probable.

It is one more wide step, again on 5 more leaders in the first generation. And again volume increase in 2 times.

How long is it necessary to go there? As they say at everyone is the way. I will cite as an example a married couple which has reached rank D-board for 7 years.

You go annually on each ТАС. In our company there is an award "Oscar". Under the form it is the same, as "Oscar" known to you, which is handed over in a cinema. Only in hands it holds a company logo. And if you have already received such award on one of nominations in a rank the director-manager in the rank of D-board you can receive the award not once.

Your checks can be so great, that - I will leave this sentence not finished ….

You already have travelled all over the world. You already choose not simply hotel 5 *, and best of 5 stars.
There is the confidence in you, calmness, prosperity which can be easily read. Anyhow? You have achieved the object, which you have put several years ago, probably, when being the leader. You and your children have excellent habitation. It is not excluded, that you have a real estate in other country.

You change now cars much more often, than earlier.

Well also now it is possible to stop and leave on the deserved rest? It is possible, if you want.

And if in you is energy which is still, if you haven’t reached your 40s yet, and if at you have more non-realized purposes still rages?

You continue earlier begun business!

After all around you still it is so much people whom you can help and be useful!

For example, you can be engaged in charity, can connect to NSP new people and to become for them an example for them can be in the future. You are such experienced and have so much of free time! You can freely move all over the world and help your people that you are able to know.

It can be, you want to leave in the other country which has liked you and to live there for some years!

And can ….

You accurately understand now, that there, in that life there is only one place of the director. There is only one first place in sports on a podium. There is only one greatest salary, and it will be getting not to you, but to your chief. And if you wish to have the same salary you should take its place.

And in this life there is an unlimited quantity of places of the head of the structure. And on a podium you remain for ever because on this pedestal can simultaneously get unlimited number of people there is an unlimited number of people both unlimited time and place. And the greatest salary can just be not at you, and at top leaders of your subordinate organization.

And you could create, organize and start all this mechanism which, working so accurate throughout many years, makes qualitative production and in enough, organizes system of delivery and creates conditions for production advancement, regularly pays money to a large quantity of people, are engaged in preparation and training of distributors of your huge structure? Even at that time while you are at home or in other country.

This mechanism is called MLM or the network marketing, which essence cannot be made out at once. For this purpose it is necessary to pass long way, on yourself to experience all these advantages that you could transfer system further to your people, using its force, became, also as you the Leaders from the big letter.

 Author Elena Erohova, the Leader-assistant of the company, Ukraine, Kiev.