It’s a pity but not all of us concerns about our health properly.
All, as a rule, have problem "links". For one this is food, for others - movement, and for the third - working hours.
To find out, on what, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention, that the organism served as belief and the truth to you long years, pass this test.
Think, how much correspond to the validity resulted below the statement. Then count up the typed points (at first on groups, and then all together).
I. Mobility
1. I go in for sports:
- No more once a month (1)
- Usually once a week (2)
- On the average two-three times in a week (3)
2. I can rise without shortness of breath:
- As maximum on one floor (1)
- On two-three floors (2)
- It is so many floors, how many it is necessary, because I always use a ladder (3)
3. Such physical exercises on endurance as run, riding a bicycle, long runnings on skis or swimming:
- Do not interest me (1)
- I practice only when it is necessary (2)
- I practice constantly (3)
4. Physical exercises behind a desktop:
Is nonsense: how it in general looks? (1)
- I know about them though seldom I put into practice (2)
- I carry out regularly (3)
The sum of the given group _ points
II. A Food
5. Meal:
Is an inevitable harm (1)
- It is not too important; however I nevertheless pay attention to vitamins (2)
- Should be tasty and, first of all, healthy (3)
6. Food intake time:
- Comes when I will get hungry; irregularly (1)
- Strictly defined, I try to adhere to it (2)
7. If suddenly to me will forbid to eat any certain things it will be:
- Accident! After all always the most tasty food - unhealthy! (1)
- Unpleasantly, but it is impossible to do from this a problem! (2)
- The first step to health (3)
The sum of the given group points
III. Style of a life
8. I smoke:
- Regularly (1)
- Only in special cases (2)
- Never (3)
9. Alcohol:
- Quite habitual thing for me (almost daily) (1)
- I take alcoholic drinks a maximum two-three times a week (2)
10. Coffee, Cola and other power drinks:
- Without them I will not hold on also day (1)
- I drink them off and on (2)
- Usually I do not require them (3)
11. My vital rhythm:
- Extremely changeable: no normalized working day, sleepless nights on days off, sometimes change of time zones (1)
- To a certain extent it is possible to name ordered, however work occupies from me too much time (2)
- In a full order, I regularly eat and I observe a mode of a dream (3)
The sum of the given group _ points
IV. Working loading
12. On my desk:
- The constant disorder, I am never in time nothing (1)
- The disorder in most cases reigns, but all is clear enough (2)
- In the evenings it is usually pure, I am cleaned before a next working day (3)
13. My chief and colleagues:
- With much bigger pleasure I admire them from a back (1)
- I concern them with indifference (2)
- I consider, that we an excellent command (3)
14. Usually I go since morning for work:
- In bad mood (1)
- With pleasure (2)
15. Holiday :
Is my rescue: only for the sake of it also I live (1)
- Goes to me on advantage: at last I again can restore the health (2)
The sum of the given group _ points
15-23 points
You do not give due attention to health and an active way of life. That it is better to feel yourself, try to work over each of the areas designated in the test.
About the weakest link you learn, having summed up on groups.
24-32 points
In some areas you quite care of the health, however always it is possible to improve something.
Having summed up on groups, you learn, what spheres most of all require your attention.
33-41 point
We congratulate! Care of health and regular physical activity - for you priorities. However nobody is perfect - to learn still to steam-three of receptions to you only it will be useful.
Having spent results on groups, you learn what of areas the greatest attention is necessary to pay.
Mobility: 4-12 points
If in this area it is typed less than eight points, you lack movement, and it can threaten health. Physical activity not necessarily means playing sports. If you faster go and more often to walk upstairs, these measures will promote also to blood circulation. And if you master a complex of exercises on a workplace be improved much faster. Well and regular employment by fitness - undoubtedly optimum variant.
A food: 3-8 points
The balanced food – is a basis of good state of health. If in this area you have typed less than five points, it is necessary to analyze the diet carefully: most likely, it basically consists from fast food and Coca-Colas. Try to balance the menu, having enriched with its live vitamins. Believe, the useful meal can be thus and tasty.
Style of a life: 4-11 points
Smoking, alcohol and ненормированный a mode - we do not reflect on it while are young. However in due course and with increasing working loading negative influence of these factors on health is more and more notable. If you have typed less than eight points, it is time to reduce tobacco and alcohol consumption.
Working loading: 4-10 points
You consider the work burdensome? Test on service too big pressure or come back home squeezed out, how a lemon? If you have typed less than eight points, means, at you serious problems. Try to pick up and master ways of struggle against stress on work. At any complexities can take advantage of the help of the psychologist.
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