
10 signs of people programmed on poverty

Man's magazine MEN'S CULT has found out 10 signs, which characterize people programmed on poverty.

1. Feeling of a regret in relation to itself
The people adjusted on poverty regret themselves and believe that rich with it not to be foreordained destiny. Someone regrets himself that was born the woman (because at men there are more possibilities), someone regrets for a full figure (because harmonious people receive the best workplaces), young see a source of problems in inexperience, elderly - at the age. How you think, if the person regrets himself because of any unimportant fact and is for days on end focused on it how people surrounding him will arrive? To regret himself is a fine way to find a mutton anchor which will stop you on a way of personal development and will provide eternal poverty. To regret himself is the best method of search low paid works and findings of pity existence.

2. Greed
Aspiration to total economy - not a wisdom sign, and the indicator of that you test your balance incomes and expenses and approach their permission from the incorrect party. The person programmed on riches is ready to pay for things their real cost and generously to remunerate work of the assistants - and the same expects from others.

3. Employment by affairs, which you hate
People are ready to failures and to poverty - the reason for such feelings at them causes to do unpleasant affairs. A key to rescue from thirds of habit of the poor person - not to do what is necessary and that causes the greatest satisfaction.

4. Measurement of success by money
The poor person is assured, that only the possession a certain sum of money is capable to bring him pleasure. The successful person will measure happiness in units, more significant, than dollars. In what - everyone solves for himself.

5. Expenditure of great quantities of money, than he is possible to allow
Credit cards and smiling employees of banks with pleasure will help you to appear with a debt hole. After all, the person, doing that doesn’t wish to become successful, does not wish to understand a difference between the useful credit taken on development of own business, and the loan for foreign car or private residence purchase.

6. A choice of instant benefit
Desire to receive at once and maximum - immemorial property of poor people. They are not capable to understand that, being arranged on a post with the average salary in the solid company, it is possible to have in some years much more than if to pay attention only to that, how many you receive in a month. Students ready to failures say that the institute only takes away from them time which could be spent on «making profits».

7. Complaining
Vaccine from this habit - is creativity. Find unique possibilities to struggle with defects of an environment, come out the winner from initially unprofitable situation for you!

8. Comparison of with others
At people the habit of the loser - aspiration to compare with others is perfectly developed. Think, whether this habit is necessary to you or it is better not to suppose what the external world grasps the control over the internal?

9. Measurement of riches by money
Truly rich people do not only have broken link between happiness and bank notes, but also have crossed out an equal-sign between the size of the account and concept of riches. The present riches are an ability to involve money, to create them on an empty place, to organize new kinds of business. Rather successful person does not depend on volumes of own bag with gold.

10. Isolation of from own family
Magnificent losers turn out from those who keeps away from own family, explaining it unwillingness of its members to support them a difficult minute. They do not understand, that the family is a magnificent source of internal support to which it is possible to address when in all other spheres of a life more remains nothing. Only the love of relatives can help to rise from knees when does not remain any hope - and then true greatness is reached.

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