

Good afternoon, expensive readers! I hope, that secrets with which you will get acquainted today, will change your life to the best the same as have once changed mine.
Let's recollect a scene from a film «the love Formula» in which the owner asks the driver:
- You can repair the carriage for a day?
- To a smog.
- And for two?
- To a smog.
- And for three?
- If very to try, it is possible and for three.
- And for a week you can?
- Well, you the bearing of a problem also put. Here to one not to cope, the bearing, the assistant is necessary!
It is an efficiency example on the contrary. It appears, too happened.
So such efficiency?
Efficiency is such quality of activity when at the minimum investment of forces and time the maximum result is reached. It is possible to write down the formula: efficiency = the income/time. That is the the income above received for a time unit, the above efficiency. How it is possible to apply the offered formula in a life?
Let's consider such example. The individual presentation occupies 1 hour. That about your business has learnt 10 persons; you should spend 10 presentations and spend 10 hours. The mass presentation occupies 1,5 hours and 15 minutes (0,25 hours) leaves on the invitation of each person. If you hold presentation for 10 persons on it at you 1,5 hours and on the invitation of 10 persons (0,25х10) will leave 2,5 hours. Total 4 hours! That is more effective: 10 individual presentations or one mass for 10 persons? The unique mass presentation is much more effective. For 10 hours individually we can work with 10 candidates, and by means of mass presentations with 25!
And now we will compare, as the beginning distributor and the leader spend time. And at the beginning distributor, and the leader in days 24 hours. In a month they too work identical quantity of days, sell the same product and work under the same business plan. A unique difference that they have different levels in the companies and, accordingly, the different income. The beginning distributor earns in the company from $50 to $100, and the leader has the income of $500 to $2000. The conclusion arises, that the leader works more effectively! One more example. The distributor has own booth and earns 60 dollars a month. In the network company he earns 20 dollars thanks to structure and 10 on retails. Where it is better to it to work? For this purpose it is necessary to learn time of its work in a booth and in MLM within a month. It has appeared, that in a booth

It works 360 hours per month (every day with 6 to 20), and in МLМ - only 48 hours. We will divide $60 on 360 and we will receive $0,16 at an o'clock. And in МLМ he earns $30, we will divide on 48 and we will receive $0,62 at an o'clock. Efficiency of its work in МLМ above in 4 times. Further, if it works in МLМ 360 hours per month its income will reach: $0,62 we will increase on 360 and we will receive $223.
How to learn to work effectively and to find reserves for efficiency increase?
Among efficiency principles there is principle Паретто «20 on 80» which the small share of the reasons, put means or applied efforts says, that «, is responsible for the big share of the results, received production or the earned compensation». Or «on reception of 80 % of the results reached in work, at you 20 % of all spent time» leave. That is in practice of the four fifth enclosed efforts have to received result no almost any relation.
20 % of the enclosed means give 80 % of return;
80 % of consequences result from 20 % of the reasons;
20 % of efforts give 80 % of results;
20 % of clients give 80 % of profit.
For example, the usual person works 10 hours. According to a principle «20 on 80», 2 hours of its working hours leave on reception of 80 % of result, and 8 hours - on reception only on 20 %. That is for 2 hours he holds all key meetings and solves all important questions, and 8 hours at it leave on performance of unimportant affairs by which it is possible not to do.
The conclusion arises: in the event that you will work productively 2 hours and delegate not so important issues, at you 8 hours of a free time for a family, a hobby, pleasures can be released.
If and energy you direct the remained 80 % of time, forces on important issues your income will raise in 4 times.
So, only 20 % of the enclosed forces, energy, give to time 80 % of results.
How rules of increase of an overall performance can be applied in network business?
1. Effective clients
It is very good to have constant clients. Someone from the well-known has told: «the Present indicator of health of business is force, depth and duration of its mutual relations with key clients».
The statistics asserts, that the constant client to serve in 6 times easier, than to find and serve the new.
1. We should find the new client.
2. We should it like.
3. We should find out its problems.
4. We should convince him, that our company is worthy its attention.
5. We should show advantages of our production.
6. We should convince the client, that the price of our production more low, than effect which it will receive.
The constant client himself calls to us and asks production which will solve its problem. Thus we do not need to do all that we have listed in the previous 6 points.
But also among our constant clients there are different people: what give us of 80 % of a turn, and what do 20 %. It is natural, that it is better to work with the first. But we cannot concentrate on 20 % of clients if we do not know who they.
That it was easier to understand, it is necessary to analyse the client on following indicators:
- For what sum it takes production;
- How many hours per month we spend for its service.
For example, Ivan Ivanovich on the average takes production on $50 a month and occupies 2 hours. Peter Petrovich buys production on $100 and occupies 8 hours of time. With whom I work more effectively? If we divide $50 at 2 o'clock it will turn out, that, working with Ivan Ivanovichem, at an o'clock I earn $25. And Peter Petrovich brings to me ($100 to divide at 8 o'clock) $12,5 at an o'clock.
If we analyse our clients on these two indicators we can concentrate the forces and attention to those of 20 % of clients which will bring in our the maximum income that will allow to increase our profit.
So, 20 % of key clients bring to us of 80 % of profit. And if we know these of 20 %, we can or release time, or increase the goods turnover.
2. Effective employees
Whether and we can carry out the analysis of an overall performance of our employees? For this purpose it is necessary for us to investigate following indicators:
- A turn of the employee together with structure;
- Personal goods turnover;
- Structure growth;
- Expenses of time for work with it.
If we define 20 % of key employees we can give them a maximum of our attention.
3. Effective work (comparison of incomes in the network company and on the basic work)
For certain in your structures there are people who work on the basic work, cannot leave it in any way though already have sufficient earnings in the network company. On one of my trainings after the information which I now will bring to your attention, two persons have made the decision on leaving from the basic place of work. And the information actually is very simple:
- If on the basic place you work 24 working days for 8 hours and earn on the average $150 192 hours bring to you 150:192 = $0,78 at an o'clock.
- Accordingly, your employee, at the best, is engaged in network business 1 hour per day, earning thus from $100 to $250 a month. It turns out, that, spending 24 hours, it receives $100 a month that makes 100:24 = $4,16 at an o'clock. An overall performance in the network company above in 5,3 times. The total income for a month: 150+100 = $250.
And the last. If the employee on the basic work passes part time the permanent job will bring 150:2 = $75, and 24 hours per month will be engaged in network business not, and 192:2=96 hours its income of network business will grow four times and will make 100×4 = $400. And still there will be a free time. The total income for a month will make 75+400 = $475. In our case, not leaving the basic work, and only having passed part time, the employee can raise the income almost twice.
I have tried to open to you some secrets of efficiency. One more important point is effective planning. But about it next time … I wish to wish all to everything, and you, to work less, and money and pleasure to receive more!

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