
WELLNESS Industry!

Fragments from interview of Paul Pilzer
John David Mann and John Milton Fogg
(Magazine Network Marketing Lifestyles, September, 2001)

Paul Zane Pilzer - the professor, the economic adviser of administration of the US president.

Paul Zane Pilzer, the economic adviser of two American Presidents which books the newspaper New York Times three times recognized as best sellers, there is for us a news: "We are witnesses of explosive growth of the new industry in one billion dollars, and in avant-garde of this growth there are representatives of network marketing".
Today the greatest possibility to grow rich at those who, according to Pilzer, is engaged in "intellectual distribution".
"In my new book" Following billion "I allocate two functions of distribution: physical and intellectual.
Physical distribution means delivery of a product to the consumer - a product which is already familiar to the client also which he wishes to receive.
Intellectual distribution means that you learn about a new product or service about which earlier you did not know. Today in intellectual distribution the greatest possibilities are concluded.
Conditions which will be acquired in a new millennium - at least, in the first decade, - will be in sphere of intellectual distribution: acquaintance of consumers with products and services which will improve their life but about which they did not know till now.
Those who will achieve outstanding success will make it thanks to possession of the unique patented technology. And not simply unique, but effective - the best, than at all others.
I define "Wellness" as the money spent for feeling more healthy even if you "are not sick" on usual medical parameters. To be stronger, better to see, better to hear, to struggle that we name ageing symptoms. Today the main requirement of the majority of people lays not in money, but in health.
Today, the more low incomes, the there is an adiposity is more often. Adiposity - a sign of a bad food. Usually the one, who suffers from adiposity, also suffers from a lack of vitamins, weariness and arthritis or other illnesses which occur from a bad food.
Since 1980 the percent of people with adiposity and overweight in the USA has almost doubled. In 1980 15% of the population suffered adiposity; by 2000 this figure has jumped up to 27% is a 77 million people with clinical adiposity! Only for last 4 years these figures have grown on 10% and continue to grow with the speed exceeding rates of distribution of epidemics.
Thanks to such quantity of people with adiposity and excess weight, at us predisposition to diabetes and to other similar diseases has trebled. Today, in unknown economic well-being, we see how the huge part of our population falls in a precipice. Here one more figures causing in me a shock: overweight has 61% of the population of the USA. This figure also has doubled in comparison with 1980.
Today the annual turnover of the industry of food makes about 1 billion dollars; one more billion (actually 1.4 billion) is necessary on "business of illnesses". These two branches feed up each other in the most artful image because the most part of illnesses is caused today by a bad food with which we are fed with the food industry. These two branches with a turn in billion dollars co-operate for maintenance of terrible figure in 61% of people with excess weight.
Looking at these figures, it is possible to think, that soon there will come such day when all will have excess weight or to suffer from adiposity. Actually it is not so.
The structure of 39% of the population of America which do not have excess weight, includes 10-15 million growing old Americans; with the years they become more healthy, stronger - actually more young, by any medical definitions.
These people represent new economic sector. Basically, it is prosperous people; as soon as they have money, they start to reflect how to strengthen the health, and do it out of medical institutions. They go to sports clubs, improve their food, accept necessary quantity of vitamins and minerals, and also are interested in additives and other products which support their well-being.
When I have seen this tendency, I have reflected, whether there is no here a business. The answer has surprised me.
In 2000 Wellness in America already was a branch with volumes in 200 billion dollars; about half of this sum is 24 billion spent for sport clubs, and 70 billion spent for vitamins and minerals. Ten years ago anything similar was not exist at all.
By definition, all Wellness are new technologies. Unique possibility to learn about it - through the acquaintance to you of the person who has experience in this area. You meet the messmate on college: "John, you perfectly look! You radiate with health - as it was possible to you?" You will come across someone's experience in area Wellness and learn that there is a whole branch Wellness with weight of new products and services. From everything, than I ever was engaged, industry Wellness looks now the most promising.
The correct information on a diet, a food, vitamins, minerals and additives almost completely contradicts all volume that we heard from our physicians; for many of us it contradicts on what we brought up. There is a lot of inexact information, it is no wonder, that people can be adjusted skeptically. Unique possibility to change their representation or to start to receive the new information is human contacts.
It does not occur within one day. It can be demanded three, four, five, six conversations with different people that you have changed the opinion. That is why Wellness which actually is the information changing a mentality, is better one-on-one works in the conditions of an interactive exchange, i.e. on the sample of network marketing.
In the long term I see, that by 2010 industry Wellness will reach 1 billion dollars. I see huge possibilities for network marketing and its representatives. I see some companies of network marketing at the head of this industry because they advance others in granting of the new information. I see the huge possibilities opening before network marketing because today is the best means of acquaintance of people with new products and services as in the USA, and all over the world. For the companies working in network marketing, unlimited possibilities to acquaint consumers with products and services of industry Wellness open. I also see huge prospects for the successful network companies especially working in industry Wellness, connected with development of high technologies. The companies which in a condition it is better to satisfy requirements of the clients, will achieve the biggest success ".

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