There are exists lots of ways to do money. People knew at least 50 of them...
1. Sell at first to itself... our company, your product and your dreams.
2. Make your full business plan at least for 2 years.
3. Regularly use products of your company.
4. Spend 90 % of working hours with your distributors, clients and beginners.
5. Offer business and product personally at least to one person every day.
6. Advertise. Let everyone knows, in what business you are occupied.
7. Put people dividing idea above, than knowing a product.
8. Double efforts on training of your distributors in how to become really independent
9. Insist each time on filling of reports with distributors.
10. Monthly motivate your organization with a recognition, travel and awards for special achievements.
11. Rotate in a circle of successful distributors, constantly asking, as well as that they do.
12. Be persevering. Understand, that only 1 from each 10 involved people will become interested in your product or will seriously concern business prospect.
13. Conduct an example. Constantly sponsor, train and make personal spellings of your product.
14. Do all simply - so that your actions could be imitated easily.
15. Keep in contact. Communicate with the help of leaflets with news, meetings, weekly calls, cards, electronic or vocal mail in due time concerning the necessary information.
16. Hold simple, fast and expressive presentations each time all it is better and better.
17. Do not forget to listen to 80 % of time, to speak - only 20 %.
18. Immediately react and compensate each complaint.
19. Concentrate not on yourself and that you can make for the clients and distributors.
20. Ask on 5 new recommendations from each of your best clients.
21. Give to your clients more than they expected to receive. Everyone loves free gifts.
22. Overtime work with 20 clients who love your product.
23. Try to serve the order of the client for one day and it is even better to provide direct delivery of a product.
24. Trust in the product so that each person with whom you speak would want to work with you.
25. Speak to your clients and distributors, how much you appreciate their cooperation.
26. Do not accept "is not present" as the final answer, continue to offer potential employees at least 5 times at various times, addressing to them with "the new information".
27. Monthly dispatch to your clients the advertising information. Do not forget your clients, and they will not forget you.
28. Speak with enthusiasm about your business, about your product and about your future.
29. Work over seven priority projects which can bring the greatest return.
30. Daily fill sheet of meetings, as marks on a way of achievement of leadership.
31. Take an interest in the former representatives of the companies which have departed from business of network marketing. They are always open for something new.
32. Try to resolve needs of new clients by means of advantages of your product and-or your business.
33. Organize your files so that you could find any information for 30 seconds and less.
34. Use an answering machine and do a returnable call within 24 hours.
35. Establish daily, weekly, monthly and annually specific goals and do all necessary for their achievement.
36. Subscribe for our magazine and read all books which can find.
37. Use time spent in the car on listening of educational audiocassettes.
38. Never pass the negative information in the structures. Always check the facts.
39. Think widely. And as soon as you can, expand the business worldwide.
40. Say another that them interests, instead of that as you think, they should hear.
41. Invest your resources in the areas bringing the greatest return, namely - develop the mind.
42. Plan the most important events for such time of day when you are most productive.
43. Delegate. Do things which only you can make, and constantly train in that you know.
44. Read biographies of successful people and like spirit of their life.
45. Present your business meetings and trainings regularly - from time in time. Be improved in it.
46. Put up the earned money in development of your business.
47. Direct itself. Trust, if others can do this business successfully also you can.
48. Establish to itself awards for achievement of each reached purpose and penalties for omissions.
49. Receive the maximum pleasure from your business that it wanted to another to join you, and...
50. Remember: always still too early, to surrender.
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