
Thought I want to share

Hello, my dear readers. I'm glad we meet you again. How are you?
Today I want to share with you the thought I have discussed with my friend.

Here is her story about business with NSP

After traditional business it was difficult for me to understand the network.
For me it was not clear - in what basic network offers and what is the mechanism of earnings.
I will try as it is possible to state that I have understood and have lived for these 2 years.

The basic business offer: means to work seriously for 3-5-7 years, and not to work any more, but to receive the growing income.

How it is possible? Than we here are engaged?
We build the business on the organization of sale for the large world manufacturer under the approved scheme.

The company develops a product, makes it, delivers in the country, clears, solves all formalities, stores, and opens the service centers. We are engaged only in the sale organization. Thus, not putting money in rent and in commodity stocks.

We work with people and the information. We acquaint people with the company, its possibilities and production. If the person is interested to use company production, we help him to issue a discount card for $1. And HE goes and BUYS.

He goes to the service centre when it is convenient for him, buys, how many he is necessary for, using a discount card. The company pays us commission percent from all his purchases. If the person likes, for example, a cream, he buys it repeatedly. Is it possible to force the person to buy what is not pleasant to him? It is impossible.

Thus, the mechanism of compensation for independent repeated purchases underlies that having turned out certain base of happy buyers, is it possible to stop and receive the income.

And whenever the possibility to stop and receive the growing income undertakes?

Let's consider an example. We will present, that I very much like the Structuring and conditioning cream from NSP.

Personally I have received on it fine result: in 39 years I do not have wrinkles near eyes from smiles more and extensions on a body have essentially decreased. In my group there are results on prevention of extensions at pregnant women, improvement of quality of a skin at teenagers, healing of cracks on hands of builders-masons, improvement of quality of a skin at women at the age from 20 till 70 years.

The price at a cream the competitive: $10 for 120 gram. Quality and responses of consumers is excellent. The circle of consumers is wide: from teenagers and pregnant women to grandmothers and men-builders. With a product it is possible to work on repeated purchase.

It is really for me per a year to find 10 persons who too will like this cream and they will buy it 1 time in a year? Even if I stammer and I do not communicate almost, it is real. It is real for any.

For the second year my situation can develop differently.

Variant 1.
If I work with these 10 people and will inform them thought, that for each of them it is too real, at me for the second year will be 100, on the third 1000, on the fourth, 10000, and on the sixth - one million people.

1 cream in a year will give me, on the average, $1 in the check. But for 6th year, I in such way can leave on one million a year. If simply everyone tells about a good cream 10 people in a year.

Variant 2.
But, it can be in another way. I have consumer, the director of one private concern. She buys on the card a product not one year, lots of products, has results. And doesn’t tell anybody about it! If all 10 persons whom I have found in the first year such as she is at me the next year will be 20 found me for 2 years, instead of 100 found by my people in the first case. It will approach me neither to one thousand, nor to one million.

Conclusion: if we wish to transfer the information on a product professionally, being engaged in it as business, we should search purposefully for people who will transfer the information. People who will want to transfer for the own reasons the information - partners.

If we teach the partner to build a highway for an information transfer and to receive the income of this activity at least $500 a month, can we force to cease him to work on the income? No.

Possibility is based on him to stop and receive the growing income. To find people who for the reasons are ready to transfer the information and wish to receive for this compensation, to teach them to earn. They will make all to earn more. And your compensation thus will grow.

Well, same long. One thousand only for the third year, you will think.
On what depends, how quickly you receive first thousand incomes?

 It is possible to find 10 persons not in a year, but in a month. If to find 1 person every working day - for a year you will find 1000. If at least the part of these people the same year does the same, as you, can count. Average percent of 10 % from the goods turnover created for the company.

In the company there is a precedent when the married couple in Kazakhstan left for a year on a management rank (goods turnover of 41 000 dollars in a month, the check from $4 000 in a month). They spent on 3 meetings the husband and on 3 meetings the wife every day the whole year.

But, even if all will operate very slowly, to find on 10 sociable people in a year. For the sixth year all leaves one million. Rate depends only on you.

To talk to one million people personally, it is necessary to live 770 years. To transfer a report of information on again organized network from one million people there is enough 6 years. And it is possible only provided that all these people go and buy in the company centers.

We buy a favorite cream more often than once a year. And people, usually, buy not one product. Company NSP makes about 600 names of products - shampoo, the conditioner, a tooth-paste, washing-up liquids, masks, juice, cocktails, vitamins, a sports food, the vegetative means helping at cold and hang-over.

Whether you know somebody who washes a head who cleans teeth who has cold or a hang-over? It is the big market. And we can give to people really excellent products for satisfaction of their requirements at the correct organization of work.

There is a question - and whether is it possible to enter into long-term relations with the company?

Company NSP – is the reliable partner. It is based in 1972. This is the open joint-stock company regularly checked by the American audit. Reports are openly published at www.naturessunshine.com. Actions highly are quoted in market NASDAQ (5A1). NSP periodically enters into the list of 200 companies of Forbe's magazine.

In the CIS countries the company works not through dealers-intermediaries, and through the official representations. The contract is signed directly with the company, giving all guarantee of transfer of all operating time by right of succession.

The contract attracts 3 rights and 2 duties.
1) to observe ethics of the company according to the laws of the country;
2) to buy one any unit of a product of times in half a year

The rights:
1) on the discount of 28 % at product purchase;
2) on compensation for personal constant using from 5 to 30 %;
3) the right to recommend a product to build business and to receive compensation on the average 10 % from the created goods turnover (goods turnover is accepted to 100 % in distributor’s price taking into account the VAT in US dollars).
Also it is all for $1 - single cost of registration in the company. Re-registrations are not present.

One can work seriously for 3-5-7 years with an excellent product of the world manufacturer.
One can find new friends and partners. One can help many people to find himself in a life or simply to receive pleasure from a product.

And, as a result, to have time for what you love. One can receive confidence in the future.

In my opinion, it is excellent business!

And now it is still probably to work out of the CIS in any country of the world where there is a company.

As I can tell about it, if...

Often beginners ask a question: and how can I tell about scale business if I yet do not receive the income at the network?

About network marketing sometimes tells so: "We use a fine product, we receive convincing result and we share it." Also it is the truth. And the principle of distribution of the information such method is "I tell I (show) the result". In a basis always personal result - be this deduced stain, a skin without wrinkles, a life without children's colds, vigor, a make-up or something else.

People buy not a product. People buy result.

But at the story about network business such method is not necessary. Whence at the beginner a network and compensation from a network? So there is no result on business. And - vicious circle. I have no result, means I can not tell about it. And if I will not tell - and I will not construct anything. And the person nonpluses himself such reasoning’s.

I ask:
- And you can recollect, what has forced you to become interested in this business as business?

In most cases it appears, that interest and desire to understand has caused not an example of the direct sponsor, and an example of any successful people in the company.

I continue to ask:
- Whether what your direct sponsor did not have a big organization for a moment when you have signed the agreement has affected your decision?
- No.
- Means, your sponsor could sign you without the big personal result on business?
- Yes...
- And how it was possible to it?

There is such scheme "Five fifths":
1) to try personally 5 products and to be able to tell about results from them (confidence - the product works!);
2) to share results and to find 5 consumers on these 5 products (the confidence is necessary not only for me!);
3) to find 5 advisers who will want to transfer regularly the information (the adviser - the person with five constant consumers - an organization rudiment);
4) to find 5 leaders (the leader is a person who has found and has trained 5 advisers);
5) to continue working, while 5 directors - stability pledge - the higher rank will grow, it is possible and not to work.

The first result under the income turns out at work with consumers. Ourselves use a product - it is pleasant to us, it occupies any niche in our life, something improves it. When we see, that the product enters into lives of others and too is important for them is an important step to finding of confidence which cannot be passed.

I ask:
- There is at you a product which you love? And why? What it has changed in your life?
You would agree to live without this product now? Present what it is not present more and anywhere it is impossible to get? You are afraid to tell to someone about a product, and can it and this person, in the afternoon with fire searches, and for him is important. And you will keep silent. And if you have not told about a product without which you are not so agree to live?

Recently I corresponded with one girl who has come on using production to our company several months ago. At the girl a sensitive skin, she lives in the big city with polluted air and strongly chlorinated water. She has started to use our cosmetics for daily leaving. All is excellent. And here at us the goods have detained on a customs clearance, temporary deficiency was formed. She writes to me: "Lena, I do not represent that to me to do, at me the cream and tonic have ended. More likely them would deliver. And how I earlier managed without them! Tried something, from last creams – no, not that!"

Someone waits our product, someone waits such business possibility. And to tell, it is possible both about that, and about other:
Using results of other people both on a product, and on business (I cannot receive personal result on the man's formula, for example, but I can tell results of familiar men);
Leaning against confidence, that we do not sell banks, and we change lives of people to the best, introducing them results of our products and ours business’s possibilities.

And stains will be deduced, wrinkles are shown, immunity is strengthened, and hair dense and silky. Who will agree to live without a thing he if has already tried?

And now present, there is at you an acquaintance - the leader of the network company which without network would sit in slippers at TV to nobody necessary, including kopecks from pension to pension. And now this woman goes to a beauty salon, goes by the car, leaves abroad, pension does not remove in bank but only to it reports, does not prevent to live to children, and communicates in a wide circle of adherents. She would agree to live without a thing like that? And if she has not be told about possibilities? Whether all is equal to her, who has told about it also has his for check that moment?

After all possibilities is present and it works!

Author Erohova Elena the Leader-ass. Of NSP’s Company

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