about what each distributor should know
Each person is always choosing condition, another matter - as it makes this choice. Usually, when the new information which is not entered in frameworks of already generated representations about life comes, is ignored by the person or completely rejected. Fear before new, "absence of a free time", disbelief in itself withdraw the person from new possibilities which are given to it by destiny. And as a result it remains to that has today and yesterday.
1. Advantages of leading business in proposed business conditions.
2. Advantages of leading business in NSP.
3. Advantages of NSP’s production.
Question 1: advantages of network marketing
At first it is necessary to answer a question: advantages before what? Well, certainly, before other accessible and legal ways of earning money. In aggregate these advantages the reason of phenomenal development МLМ all over the world also is concealed.
Advantages of network marketing are obvious and evident.
1. Work in a comfortable command for itself
In the network company each beginner personally forms their future structure, selecting to the first line of distributors only with whom he would like to work. Nobody can force "to employ" he is not comfortable to work with. Then "industrial" relations is formed often outgrow in friendly and the big family where are glad for each other.
The quantity of people in 1st line too is defined by the future sponsor.
2. Possibility of combination МLМ with other (basic) work
The beginner does not need "to burn bridges", being dipped into business new for him, and after all he does not known still, will he turn out at it or not. At the first stage, as a rule, it is enough to give to network business 1,5-2 hours per day and when the structure will start to grow promptly and will demand more return, the person decides - to leave to his former work or to continue combination. In practice the majority solve this question in this way: if job combining began to bring in the income more, than the basic work is taking away, besides, much more time and forces are paid to МLМ becomes an activity principal view.
3. Freedom
In the network company the person himself defines volume, time and a place of activity. He solves, to rise to it in 7 mornings or in 10, when and with who to meet how long to work within day when and on how many to go on leave … All depends only on own "appetites" and a sharpness of desire them to satisfy. If the person is happy with earnings 160$ in a month, it can especially not strain, working as 8-10 hours per week, if aspires to receive 600-900$, the operating schedule will be more intense.
4. Unlimited financial prospect
The volume of received money in МLМ depends only on a sales volume made both personally distributor, and its structure. In the USA it is considered norm when the large network leader earns 500 thousand dollars a year. The same results have already reached also some networkers in the CIS countries
5. High rates of career growth and wages growth
To make good career in the "usual" company, the person, as a rule, should spend five years for formation reception, then some more years to work hard, becoming the professional. Thus career and, accordingly, material growth is limited by quantity of supervising places in the company.
In МLМ successful career it is possible to make all for one year and, since zero, to leave on income level in 400-600$in a month. Career tops really to reach for 3-4 years, and there the monthly income it is estimated already tens thousand $.
At top the place suffices all interested persons. The companies where the number of managers of the higher rank has passed for one hundred are known and increases monthly. A legend of network marketing American Glenn Turner starting in МLМ from capitals in 5 thousand of dollars, all for 5 years has scared together a fortune in 300 million (!) dollars. Certainly, not everything becomes stars far, on the statistic in МLМ 10 % of people achieve the big successes only, but, you see, it is quite good. Especially, if to consider, that in "classical" business only 5 % small and moderate-sized firms celebrate the decade, the others suffer crash.
And many networkers with 3-5-years experience are quite satisfied by the stable income in 3-5 thousand $ in a month.
Rates of incomes growth in МLМ too impress. At competently constructed structure and the adjusted system of training and motivation of people the income of networker can double every year!
"The Success law", formulated by the president of the World Association of network marketing Doris Wood, is called "One plus one". It means that if the distributor will involve in the structure monthly all one (!) person, and all his followers take it too for a rule, by the end of year the structure will total 4096 persons!
In practice, of course, it is impossible, but to think of these figures costs.
In network business there is such loved question: What it is more preferable - 100 thousand dollars at once or one penny which will double every day? Certainly, the penny, answers each mathematicians familiar only with elements. After all for a year it turns to many millions dollars!
6. Independence of career growth of personal relations with higher sponsors and heads of the company
In network marketing of an open-cast mine on 100 % depends only on the distributor. Advancement on a career ladder makes the passionless computer considering only sales volumes. In МLМ it is impossible to rise "on protection" and it is impossible to appear lowered in a post because of bad relations with a management.
7. An ideal alliance between employees of all levels of the company
It is provided with contradiction liquidation between work and the capital, which else Charles Marx considered as the main reason of many disasters and a brake in manufacture development. This opposition at which each owner aspires to receive the maximum return from the worker and to pay minimum and the worker tries to work less, but to receive on maximum.
In МLМ interests of heads and ordinary employees of the companies have merged together as the system of payment and condition of career growth not simply stimulate interest of top levels in successful work of local links of network, but also are put in strict mathematical dependence from each other. Here each "chief" dreams, that "subordinate" has somewhat quicker taken its place as it is a unique way most to promote upward and to earn it is more. And the number of places above is not limited, as prospects of financial growth for everyone, coming to the network company are unlimited also.
8. Possibility very quickly to seize a new trade
Professionals in МLМ become all for one-two year. And for this purpose it is not necessary to study tens subjects as in any HIGH SCHOOL, to study hundreds books. All volume of the literature is made today by three ten small books on volume, add here newspapers, magazines, DVD … in general if to spend for self-education only one hour per day, it appears quite enough.
9. Independence of successful career of a sex, age which had educations and character of the previous activity.
In МLМ there are the housewives who starting at 60-year-old and more mature age and have achieved quite good results. There are also young businessmen, scientists and the psychologists who have not reached anything.
In network marketing is a little bit other philosophy and strategy of achievement of success, than in "usual" business. However, it is a theme of separate conversation.
10. Essential personal growth
It is one of conditions of achievement of success for networkers, dreaming to become the leader, should become necessarily the interesting person, and it is impossible without expansion of the outlook and deepening of knowledge in the most different areas. Far-sighted sponsors give many forces for development of the distributors, and the network companies do not regret money on "the investment into people". In the majority of the network companies training seminars for heads of an average and the top echelon are spent by abroad, and each time in a new place. The curriculum is necessarily combined with cultural and people come back not only trained, but also had a rest, and a lot of new impressions. Expenses for such trips with interest pay off growth of sales volumes, and beginners have good stimulus to grow faster.
11. Constant growth of new communications
In structure daily there are new people entering direct contacts to already operating distributors. And after all everyone comes with the luggage and number more than 100 persons can be found any "necessary" people in structure - doctors, lawyers, bankers, actors, scientific …
12. Absence (or rather insignificant size) the starting capital
As a rule, to become the distributor of the network company, it is necessary to become at first the consumer of the goods and to make purchase both for itself personally, and for the subsequent realization. Cost of "a starting whale" averages an equivalent to 100 dollars, but there are also companies (for example NSP) where with the person will conclude the contract of all for 1 dollar and do not expose conditions on obligatory purchases.
13. Absence of dependence on external negative factors
Networkers do not face racket and necessity to have "roof" without what now in the CIS any businessman does not manage.
14. Absence of financial risk
As one should not be put anything there is nothing to risk. Even bought "whale" if business has not gone, it is possible to return always on firm, having received the money back - so the majority of the network companies works.
15. Good and long-term prospect
The network companies deal only with the goods of very high quality and necessary for the various strata of society, and financial crises mention them least.
Really, unless crisis can affect relations between the sponsor and the distributor? Or unless the person will refuse consumption of a necessary product habitual to him? Unless owing to crisis to consume begins little bit less, but also this phenomenon appears time and soon passing.
Let's add that financial crisis’s of 1998 and 2008 has only given to development of industry МLМ new acceleration: ten thousand "white collars" remained without habitual work and ranks of the network companies have quickly recruited, having found the rebirth, as businessmen. And the economic situation in the CIS at the beginning of 21st century promises the further splash in this unique business.
Work of the networkers reminds the process of creation of the good book. The person himself fills its pages and if the book has turned out (is created the efficient structure), it will bring to the author (sponsor) the constant income. The trained structure gets property independently to breed and breed irrespective of who has generated it and the parent "is for ever doomed" to receive of the good income.
17. Nobleness of business
Everyone networkers aspire to get maximum to become a sponsor more quantities of people, creating, thereby, new workplaces.
Secondly, growth of sales stimulates manufacture development.
Thirdly, people get the high-quality goods and useful products, improving the life and strengthening the health.
МLМ is that rare case when business and nobleness are successfully combined in one person.
18. High degree of moral satisfaction from the work
What can deliver more pleasures, than supervision over how the people involved with you personally become free, healthy and rich? In МLМ as anywhere, finding of a large quantity of the friends testing to you sincere gratitude and gratitude for the success is possible.
The people only entering on "a track of network business", quite naturally have two questions: whence in МLМ such big money for a payment of distributors undertaken and whether money for all will suffice at the big growth of number of participants of business? Let's answer them.
Whence in МLМ the big money and whether they will suffice on all participants of business?
Question 2: Advantages of business dealing with company NSP
1. Legality
The official Moscow Representation across the CIS countries, Baltic and Transcaucasia works; production is certificated according to requirements of legislations of each country.
2. Service
The system of dealer warehouses with all assortment of production, the automated system of conducting the account, regular payment of bonuses, presence of the help and additional literature is developed.
3. Reliability
The Company experience - more than 38 years, are presented to more than 70 countries and continues to develop; is joint-stock (all financial indicators "are transparent"), its actions are quoted at stock exchange NASDAQ (USA), has no debts; is the direct manufacturer of production (work without intermediaries), that considerably reduces production cost.
4. Marketing-plan
Will arrange any sane of networkers:
· "input" in business 1 $. (for the agreement) with the right of creation of the structure
· direct access to any dealer warehouse for each distributor
· all distributors irrespective of a rank get production under the uniform warehouse price
· possibility of reception of the award from the very beginning of work
· possibility of the accelerated growth on a career ladder and preservation of ranks is provided at transition from other companies
· memory system of personal volume, loyal conditions of qualifications on ranks
· the built in promotion system (reception of the raised commission fee)
5. Assortment, quality and production price
Under any consumer (any problems and "pockets"), quality - at "Mercedes" level. The price - similar production under the name and quality in 1,5-4,0 times is more expensive (thus still favorably differs on structure)
So it's time to choose!
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