

Hello, my dear readers. Today I want to talk with you about golden rules. How to work with people when you are going to propose them anything.
There is a golden rule:

1. Talking to people - always smile. People love it.
2. Be attentive to the person and try to move to conversation on him.
3. Find a theme which is interesting to him.
4. Show the person your sincere interest. Penetrate, learn, how he lives.

 9 questions:
1. Whether you encouraged by the plan of buyers for repeated purchases?
2. Whether you encouraged by the plan for sales to clients?
3. Whether you encouraged by the consumer plan to become the distributor?
4. Whether you encouraged by the plan single purchase or monthly stability of work as the distributor?
5. Whether you encouraged by the plan recruiting (the invitation of new people in business)?
6. Whether you encouraged by the plan training of partners and cultivation of leaders?
7. How much is it difficult to become the leader? What organization needs to be constructed - of many small leaders groups or of several big?
8. Whether such organization will be reliable?
9. Whether is it possible to stop and cease to work and what conditions of reception of the income of a network in that case?

1. Whether you encouraged by the plan of buyers for repeated purchases?
In other words, whether there is a sense to sign consumers. It is a question not only to the marketing plan, but also to the work organization in the company.

I consider that if the work organization allows the constant consumer to go independently behind purchases and in the plan there is a rank to which minimal requirements on monthly volume, buyers to sign costs. If they go!

Yes, we concede them the margin, but we win time for their service. In the big cities the trip to the client and back can occupy 3 hours. For this time it is possible to spend some meetings with new candidates that want to learn or spend a house circle.

If the client is not going to go itself behind purchases - he does not need to be signed.

The plan encourages steady customers if to enter on an initial rank not difficult and on this rank there is an award for personal volume.

2. Whether you encouraged by the plan for sales to clients?

So-called "repayment" encourages. The plan encourages on sales to clients if there is a high monthly requirement to personal volume, much more, than it is necessary for a family of the distributor. And the plan encourages to sales at a step stage - the more will sell personally, the will receive more.

3. Whether you encouraged by the consumer plan to become the distributor?
The plan encourages the consumer to become the distributor, if
1) there is easy to achieve the first rank with small requirements to monthly volumes and
2) if the plan allows to close the first working rank accumulation of points ("on memory").
The person consumed a product, points collected also to him are necessary to fulfill small requirements and he passes in the category of the worker.

I have come to business on such way and I have noticed, that people come through a product are very betrayed the company and well understand its product. Though it is a slow way to business.

4. Whether you encouraged by the plan single purchase or monthly stability of work as the distributor?
Matrix plans encourage single purchases, step with branch - monthly activity. In my company NSP, for example, the raised compensation goes that who regularly carries out qualification.

Eventually, it is a sign of aiming at reliable long-term business - encouragement of stable monthly activity.

5. Whether you encouraged by the plan recruiting (the invitation of new people in business)?
The step part encourages. Plus at level of the Leader-director there is a condition "volume sideways". That is, to receive the income from the separated groups, it is necessary to fulfill requirements on volume of personal group.

6. Whether you encouraged by the plan training of partners and cultivation of leaders?
The plan encourages training and cultivation of leaders, if the income of the separated group above, than from grown up, but not separated partner.

7. How much is it difficult to become the leader? What organization needs to be constructed - of many small leaders groups or of several big?

To estimate it, it is necessary to convert points and percent in money.
What is the requirement to monthly volume for the separated group? These are 700 dollars or 14 000 dollars?
If to consider the plan only in points or percent, such estimation is inaccessible.
Not penetrating into a step part, we take points of the separated group (often it is group on 21 %) and it is multiplied them by point cost in money. We consider the VAT because distributors pay for the product with the VAT - we receive goods turnover in the distributor’s price from the VAT.

More reliable is the organization from numerous leaders groups with average volume. Then loss of several groups will not affect the income of the organization.

And it is easier to grow up 10 leaders with the turnover of 1000 dollars, than 3 with the turnover 10 000.

Whether is it still necessary to look here "burn down" ranks.
As we consider the long-term project, in a life there can be everyone. My acquaintance has got to the heavy auto crash. She was the leader with leader groups. Conditions for reception of the income and rank preservation were small. Her family carried out them while she was restoring and has continued work with the organization.

8. Whether the organization will be reliable?
If the organization is divided on leader’s battalions, to become the leader is not too easy, but also it is not so difficult. People who had their own weighty reasons will become independent leaders and begin to develop the business with you or without you. Such organization will be reliable.

If it is not enough of leaders, because it is difficult to become a leader loss of one group will seriously be reflected in the organization.

At the same time, it is too simple to become leader, on leader’s volume leaves casual the consumer groups which organizers do not develop meaning business can and it too is not reliable.

9. Whether it is possible to stop and cease to work and what conditions of reception of the income of a network in that case? It is the main question.

For this purpose it is necessary to look requirements to personal volume and to volume of personal group with growth of ranks. On an example of the company I know, that with 2 on 11 rank the requirement to personal volume 42 dollars, and on the higher rank the requirement to the higher ragout on "to volume sideways" 135 dollars (including 42 personal). The sum of two volumes (135) can be consumed a small family for a month. That is to stop is possible.

In one of the known grocery companies is corrected, that if you have 2 and more separated groups and you in general do not have "volume sideways", to you for such volume one of these groups will become engrossed in reading.
Here on this moment of the step plan with branch also it is visible - whether there is a possibility for freedom and the residual income or not - whether it is possible to stop!

Author Erohova Elena Leader-Ass.

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