

D-board - Gorbachev Vladimir and Shershun Olga.

  One has studied at institute of 5 or 7 years, after the institute termination searches for work at least on 250-450$ in a month.
The second begins the business in international Company NSP in the free time.
He knows that business in NSP is a business of investment of the free time in a quantity of conversations with different people during the certain period of time. The idea of network marketing consists in involving people, to learn them to earn money, and then to get money for their work plus to have a lot of free time.

He knows that investments of time, in the same way, as well as the capital, start to bring in incomes only through the certain period of time.

He knows that business in NSP is a business of statistics. There is a universal recipe of success: if to offer a product 10 people - a minimum 2 of them become clients. If to spend 10 meetings with the business offer - a minimum 2 persons will join to your business. All depends on what you do. From 10 signed distributors in a year only 2 of them worked. And from 10 working distributors only 2 persons become active. But these some active distributors will make you successful in a year, very successful - in 2-3 years, and - prospering - in 5 years.

There is a statistics of time which is invested in this business. To have the monthly income in 5-7 years in limits from 5000$ in a month and above, it is necessary to spend for this time from 3 thousand to 10 thousand on meetings with different people. In day it turns out from 2 to 6 meetings. On time the meeting occupies maximum an 1 hour. Thus, any person, investing from 2 till 6 o'clock time in business NSP, can leave on the monthly income of 5 thousand dollars in a month and above.
Make the plan for the nearest some years on achievement of the monthly income of 5 thousand dollars in a month and above. You can make it within company NSP business system!

He knows that business in NSP is a business of skills. When the person signs the Distributors Agreement, it has some skills in certain areas of human activity, but he, as a rule, has no skills to dream, put the high purposes, to plan their realization, to reach these purposes, to analyze results and to put the new purposes. It is enough to ask the person "from street" why he lives how he lives. And it will find tens reasons why he lives for such small salary (pension), in such ramshackle apartment, and so on. But, most likely, he cannot understand, that his life is now a result of those actions which it carried out in a current of last several years.

If you wish to earn in 5-7 years the monthly income of 5 thousand dollars per month - begin to get new skills.

He knows that business in NSP is a business of "refusals". The more refusals you receive at conversations, the more income you will have in a while.

He knows that after 1000 conversations he will talk to more than 900 persons. He will sign the Distributors Agreement from 50 to 100 persons. Also begin to do business with from 5 to 10 persons. But these 5-10 active person which thanking its efforts will reach the purposes and become successful, - and will became financially successful.

He knows that business in NSP is a business of low-key approach of human relations.

Inviting the person in business, you help him to solve its problems. Having taught the person how to solve the problems, you train him to assist other people. So partner relations in Company NSP are built.

He knows that business in NSP is not when learn, it - when repeat success of others.

In company NSP for 38 years of its powerful and steady development huge experience on success achievement is saved up, there is a full and universal system of training where skilled business trainers will help you to come to your purposes the most short and the most effective by.

 The most important axiom of network business: whether « is it possible to be repeated by the others? »
 Create system of training which will be itself repeated and it will make you financially independent

You make the choice. You can:
- Leave the life without changes, with that salary which you have, with prospect to receive such pension which will allocate you the state. And then to listen to reproaches of children: «Daddy, Mum why you have not taken advantage of chance which gave you NSP"?
 - Or to start to develop actively the business in NSP that through 5-7 years to "retire" with monthly "pension" from 5 thousand dollars for a month and more.

Make your choice! D-board V.Gorbachev

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