
What is better not to be done after you have meal

Eating does not stop when we got up from the table.

Digestive process, launched our meal, the body has only just begun. And if we want to avoid stomach problems, you need to learn a few simple rules about what is better not to do immediately after a meal.

The first rule, and most sad for smokers: please refrain from smoking after meal. Researches of the scientists have shown that smoked a cigarette immediately after a meal is equivalent to ten (!) Cigarettes. So, we realize that you smoke a cigarette, and damage at this time get a ten! Think about it.

Rule two: immediately after eating is better not to eat fruits. Eaten during the digestive process of main courses, they will inflate your stomach and disturb the normal course of digestion of food. More beneficial is to eat fruit one hour before meals or an hour later her.

Rule Three: Do not drink tea immediately after eating! As part of tea large number of acids that inhibit the digestion of protein, which you got from the main food.

Rule Four: Do not loosen the strap around your waist. If you had food in tightly seated on your clothing, then loosening the strap, you are grossly mechanically interfere in the process of digestion. Having more freedom indigestible lump of food all goes down and the digestive process for a while just very slow.

Rule five: Do not take bath immediately after eating. Water Treatments evenly distribute blood throughout the body, distracting him from the stomach. Draw your own conclusions.

Rule Six: Do not undertake extensive walking immediately after meals. You can do it later. But immediately after a meal the digestive process while walking reduces its speed and efficiency - not all fit properly digested and digested much more slowly.

And the last rule: immediately after a meal do not sleep. This introduces an imbalance in the digestive process and threatens to gastritis and gastric diseases.

But immediately after the meal better sit quietly at the table - to talk, read newspapers, watch TV or do simple household chores - washing dishes, for example.

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