The dream is a certain feeling of desire something concrete for the sake of what the person is ready to start to operate, for the purpose of its achievement.
Dreams become possible thanks to our imagination which is capable to draw any images in reason, is not dependent on occurring events.
Our dreams are those images which at thought on them raise us and cause very strong positive emotions.
Dreams grasp our spirit and carry away from a reality. Notice, that for different people these images are various, therefore if someone does not understand your dream, do not pay attention. You need only one - that your dream has come true.
Remember, how in the childhood we with enthusiasm dreamt, that once we will be pilots of the jet plane, we will be owners of the international business, dreamt of the huge house on an ocean coast. In the childhood we did not have limits of dreams. On walls at us pictures about our future hung: motor boats, yachts, the supersonic planes, the newest cars, houses, beaches with crystal-bluish water. And what happens then? People have grown and have ceased to think of it. Began to understand a reality and to realize, that is simple so is given nothing, that it is necessary to work much that the dream has come true. To achieve success in life, it is necessary to work well. Also they have forgotten about the dreams. So after all it is much easier, to have forgotten - than to work on it. And the world after all demands from you a little, only to be dreamers, to dream and remain to true dreams. After all if constantly think over of the purposes, you’ll see then it is indispensable for you, there will be an occasion to tell: «My dream has come true!».
Dreams is the most valuable, that is at the person, they light fire in his soul, they force people to work for 20 hours a day, and to sleep only 4 hours, and thus, not to feel weariness. Such people named dreamers.
Dreams force the person to work wonders. Other people simply say: «It is impossible». But I claim to you if it is your dream, and you are ready to go to it there is for you nothing impossible. If of what you dream, still is not present in the nature, means, it will be created for you. Everything, that you can imagine, you can reach. Remember that dreams come true! For this purpose our imagination, as a source for definition of the dream also is given us. The person having dream, the dreamer, differs vital enthusiasm, his eyes not muddy, they accurately see where to go, what is it necessary to be done, the reason is constantly occupied by constructive thoughts on dream achievement.
On the person of the dreamer always it is possible to notice a smile and accurate intelligence of life. After all to dream it is also pleasant! It is very difficult to explain this feeling words but if on a question «about what you dream?» In your head is the image which causes strong emotions that are accurately formed, means you there is a dream. Try to ask people a question on dream. Most likely, they either will not understand a question, or will think very long time to answer. In rare instances someone will tell something, but, having looked in their eyes, you will not see anything, except melancholy. Knew, it is not dream. The dream is absolutely concrete. It can be as small (from the new washing machine to the house), and much global. In any case try to keep in your mind about the true dream among other people, as always there will be ill-wishers, which can use your dream to hurt you, and even to interfere with its realization.
There is one more concept to which people often confuse dream, it is imagination. The imagination is a certain feeling of desire something concrete for the sake of what the person is not ready to operate. Now in details we will consider feelings which arise at true dream and at imagination
For dream it is characteristic:
o readiness to operate for the sake of achievement
o feelings of passionate desire are inherent
o the Person feels necessity for dream realization
o trusts in its realization, and believe, that he can carry out it
The feeling of dream is not limited only to hope or a wish, and is faster passionate desire, need. This passion eclipses all other thoughts, becomes obsession. Such condition is necessary for this purpose to supervise over all your plans, actions, the purposes. It helps to get that persistence in operation which completely excludes defeat possibility. And only such desire will bring success. Such desire will lead to that your dreams will come true. And all sense consists in really to wish, that the dream has come true and to be so unshakable in the desire, to convince itself of the future success. It is necessary to be true itself to dreams, to be the true dreamer until they do not become obsession and at last will not turn to a reality. Everyone who wishes to come out the winner from any enterprise should dare to burn bridges and to cut off all ways to deviation. Only in this case you can find that condition of reason which is known, how passionate desire to win, so necessary for success.
For imagination it is characteristic:
1. DON’T ready to operate for the sake of achievement
2. The feeling of a wish is inherent, that is it "would be desirable"
3. the hope, which sometimes will be carried out
4. Does not trust in its realization
5. Does not believe that he can carry it out
6. Humility, accustoming to a current state of affairs
The primary factor of difference of imagination and dream consists in force of the desire. Second very important difference is the belief factor. These 2 points involve all the others. That readiness of the person to act also speaks.
Are you the dreamer or the visionary?
Now distract for a minute and glance on it. Look at the desires. They are more similar to imaginations or dreams? Be not upset, if they are faster than imagination. You at least know it now. And other people do not know and further they hope, that, probably, will come true and buy lottery tickets, play a casino and as a result spend what you already have.
Imaginations need either to be cast away, or to transform into dreams.
First, look at it and fairly answer yourself, whether really it is necessary for you and what you draw in imagination is necessary, or it so - "would be good"? If actually it is not so necessary for you, throw out it and forget.
The imagination takes away weight of energy and in exchange brings only disappointment as you understand that it will never happen. If it is really necessary for you, the imagination then the problem with belief draws. Try to understand, why you do not trust in its realization. One can spent on its realization too much time if necessary, or you do not believe, that you are able to do it. Without belief you will not have forces to start working. Keep in mind, that there is a difference between usual desires something to have and readiness to receive the wished. The person is ready to find something only in that case when he believes that one can achieve he wished. This belief and conviction should become a mind condition. Unique way of conscious influence on sub consciousness is auto-suggestion.
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