If you buy and use company production, you automatically become the representative of the company and a member of our amicable command.
At us it is not accepted:
1. To be in bad mood, to ache, whine, grumble and spoil mood another.
2. Loudly also is noisy to spend work at office.
3. To discuss business and production of other cosmetic and network companies.
4. To criticise a policy, the prices and a management of our company.
5. To hesitate of the age, formation, level of incomes.
6. To gossip, dismiss and transfer hearings, to discuss, somebody «for eyes».
7. Publicly to find out relations.
8. To have at office the conversations which are not concerning business our company.
9. To transform discussion into quarrels, to become personal, state a negative, not offering a positive.
10. To show the insults and to become reserved.
11. To use in speech obscene abuse.
12. To be late. To come on actions, drawing to itself attention.
13. To take without the permission and not to return another's things.
14. To interrupt the speaker during performance, встревать and to impose the opinion if do not ask.
15. To take out «rubbish from a log hut». To bear a negative «in bottoms».
At us it is accepted:
1. Validly to concern all advisers of the company.
2. To take responsibility for reception of any information on itself.
3. On presentations and schools to address to each other on a full name and with instructions or the status, or it is simple «the manager of the company …» (preliminary specify!)
4. To speak about production and the company only positively.
5. To discuss at office questions on business of our company.
6. Actively to be trained and train, get skills and abilities, to share the experience.
7. To visit and accept active participation in actions of the sponsor, structure, the company.
8. To search for ways, instead of the reasons. To show the initiative.
9. To be in good mood, to smile each other, to pay compliments.
10. To show the valid relation to the sponsor and to its opinion. To observe an official style in dialogue.
11. To respect opinion of other person. Not встревать in another's conversation.
12. To solve exciting questions immediately -addressing to the direct sponsor or to the leader. If questions - only then to address upwards on a sponsor's line do not dare.
13. To acquaint beginners with the sponsor (representing and telling first of all about the beginner).
14. Mutual assistance and interchangeability. Punctuality.
15. To observe cleanliness and an order in clothes, office, in a head and in dialogue.
16. Being at office to translate a mobile phone in a silent mode.
17. To talk in a low voice, it reflects your relation to those who to be near to you.
18. To INVITE, INVITE AND INVITE familiar and unfamiliar in our company.
Respecting our values, you respect values of the company: QUALITY! SERVICE! INTEGRETY!
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