
How to work on business instead of working in business.

Good afternoon, my dear reads.
I wish to share with you the information interesting and useful in my opinion. Having read, book  by Zig Ziglar  "Success for dummies”.

I wish to share with you some endurance from this book. The book, I recommend to read from cover to cover.

SPEAKS Zig Ziglar: "If you want to receive something, it is necessary to do something and to do something, it is necessary to become someone". If you count on serious result, it is impossible to change the order. Now we will talk how to "do". Many of beginning businessmen get to a theory trap "For work preparation" is necessary. Probably, and you faced with it. You shift papers on a table, put things in order in boxes, rearrange phone, the computer and the printer, move furniture in office, three times in a day sharpen pencils and then begin all anew. There’s a question: "In what are you engaged?" You will answer: "I prepare for work" or something like that. Many (if not the majority) have passed through this stage, and you for certain also should overcome it. If you prepare two weeks to start work, most likely, already you will never begin.

Even skilled experts in marketing at times get to this trap. Happens, that work becomes boring to them, or they lose enthusiasm, or for any reason affairs are not got on. As though long you worked in the business, however much would reach, always be careful of this danger because usually it creeps imperceptibly.

"Preparation" can steal at you the day, two and even week. If you do not think suddenly in time, it can bury your business.

Here the test which will help you to define, whether it is necessary to be engaged in what you are engaged at present. Answer following questions.
Whether what I do now helps, to reach my purposes?
Whether what I do now will help, to construct business?
Whether will result what I do now, in the transaction conclusion?
Whether will improve what I do now, my skills?
Whether someone can make what I do now, better or at least as?
Whether I do what has already been done to me?
Whether can I do it after work?

Answer questions fairly. You can justify putting in order in an office that the order raises productivity, but to be engaged in cleaning in working hours, perhaps, to what. Drawing up of letters and mail sending concern unnecessary employment also. If you work in the good network company and you have the good instructor, all samples of letters should be written to you. Why to invent a bicycle? Here still an example of waste of time: you display materials on envelopes, inscribe them and stick. Really in your house there are no children? If you live alone, be engaged in letters after work. Than you were engaged, but if you do it in working hours, employment does not bring real results and does not promote achievement of your purposes, means, you work "in business", instead of "on business". Avoid this trap.

SPEAKS Zig Ziglar: Not all of us have time for reading books, but always it is possible to find some minutes to listening to some disks. Listening to records in the car, it is possible to study everything: skills of sales, techniques of statement of the purposes, leadership, foreign languages, oratory and so forth I know set of examples as at the experts in marketing who were refused from the possible client, after listening of the motivational disks the mood improves and productivity raises. If in the car you listen to record do not so simply somewhere go, and study and prepare yourself for various situations.

There are things which do not depend on you. For example, you cannot force to enter the person into your business if he is not interested in it. You cannot predict number of visitors of open meeting of your company. In business it is necessary to be ready to that something can go wrong. When there is something not planned happened, try not to express the anger, do not go mad and do not water with curses of the employees. You can only worsen your position.

SPEAKS ZIG ZIGLAR: your choice can affect your life. To make a correct choice, it is necessary to understand a difference between reaction and the answer. The following example from my book “See you at the top” will help you. In January, 1981 I was in Kansas City, the State of Missouri. At me difficult week has stood out, and that day I besides long worked in a sound department. I managed to finish all only to one o'clock in the afternoon. My plane departed at 15-00, and to us with the son-in-law, Chad Witmaker, it was necessary to deliver in the airport heavy sound equipment. We flied there literally and in two p.m. were on a place - just while the announcement of the manager was distributed: "the Passengers flying to Dallas by flight at 15-00, approach those here". I have appeared the first in turn. The manager has looked at me with a smile and has told: "Excuse, but flight to Dallas is cancelled on 15-00". I with enthusiasm have answered: "it is excellent!" The manager with undisguised surprise has asked me: “But why do you say "Excellent" if I have told to you, what flight is excellent? "" Мaм, - I have answered, - there are only three reasons on which weeds could be cancelled: first, something could occur with plane; secondly, something could happen with crew; and, thirdly, weather could get worsen. If jotas I something one of the listed has really occurred, I would not like to be onboard the plane. To me it is here again good! Even it is excellent! "Then the manager almost causing tone has told:" Yes, but the following flight will be only at 18-05 ". On what I too have answered:" it is excellent! "The woman has perplexedly looked at me and has declared:" Now I in general understand nothing. Why do you again say "Excellent" if I have told that you should wait for the following plane for four hours? "With a smile on the person I have answered:" I still never had to sit at the airport in Kansas City four hours. Here it is very convenient. I can go to cafe, sit down there and drink a cup of coffee. Besides I need to finish the work, and such big, convenient and free office at me had never been. It is cool! "it you can tell about all:" Well, Ziglar, told the truth. You really felt all about what was spoken? "It is final, not. At least, at first. As to the majority of travelers, me it would be desirable to reach the house somehow quicker. Unfortunately, within four hours of such possibility at me was not. But I had a choice: I could answer positively or negatively react. I have chosen the answer. You cannot change some vital circumstances, but you can change the relation to them. When the manager has told me, that my fly is cancelled, I could react sarcastically:" And the following plane will be only in four hours! "

Dear reader, is there things whit you is simple not in a condition to change. Nobody knows, what tomorrow will bring to us. And in network marketing. The client can promise to come on meeting and not to be. Another can promise to start to work next week and then in general to reject your offer. Beginner can work to disappoint you with that you can do nothing.
You need to make a choice. If you react and be upset, risk promoting a blood pressure and even heart attack. Therefore is better to smile and tell: "Yes, John and Zig had warned me, that such can occur, but I will not allow circumstances to define my future. I knew that my business offer is magnificent and possibilities opened by it are boundless. I need to find as soon as possible simply other possible client". Here is how it is necessary to concern troubles!

The invitation of the possible client to meeting, participation to telephone conference, the transaction conclusion, the help to the employee in purpose achievement, improvement of skills - all these events stand them to note. In network business you can achieve victories daily.
One of remarkable features of network marketing - in it very often distributes praises and expresses recognition. You will be simply happy, when you will see, that the distributor involved and trained by you was recognized at employees and has caused tears of pleasure in the native. Such relation will force him to feel the importance and will strengthen himself-trust. The victory can be small, but for him becomes huge. It will induce him to conquest of new heights.
The essence is clear: praise the distributors if you see that they do something standing. Doubly praise them if you see that they visit trainings and meetings to raise skill and to adopt another's experience and ideas.

SPEAKS ZIG ZIGLAR: All who though knows me a little know my Gold rule: you can receive everything from a life, that it is necessary for you, simply helping another to receive what is necessary for them. If you wish to become successful in network marketing, properly remember this rule. Also remember, it not tactics, it is style of a life. You deeply are mistaken, if think, that this rule means: "I do you service because I wait for service from you".
If you belong to the company which adheres to such interpretation, I advise you to think well and look for other organization. Certainly, in any case you will earn any sum, but the present profit and satisfaction on work will receive only when will start to help to become successful the ward. Then your distributors will be more successful, the more successful you will be also. Your problem: to learn the wards, to encourage them, to support and help.
Remember that you are responsible not for the wards, and before them. Some of distributors enter your organization for the reasons which do not have any relation to business. They will simply wait, that you will do for them all work.
We hope, you quickly learn to distinguish such people, and will not spend for them the time. Being based on a thirty-year operational experience in the network industry, I absolutely precisely can tell to you, that the experts in marketing who have received from a life all (the happiness, health, well-being, safety, friends, clearness of mind, good family relations and hope of the light future), live by the Gold rule. At whom the approach by a life other, in network marketing achieves the little.

SPEAKS ZIG ZIGLAR: In the book “Success for dummies" I have devoted to this theme the whole chapter. Here some of ideas which can be applied in network marketing. In a life there are strips of luck, it is known well by sportsmen. At the football player each ball flies to the gate. At the figure skater each number turns out. The same happens and in network marketing. The success generates success. The best time for attraction of the new distributor - right after how you managed to adjust work with the distributor-beginner. The satisfaction and enthusiasm raises efficiency of your efforts. Researchers prove that expectations of parents influence behavior of their children; expectations of teachers - on behavior of pupils; expectations of employers - on behavior of subordinates. Your enthusiasm and desire to involve the distributor and his aspiration to learn to do business and to devote yourself to network marketing form at you certain expectations which you then transfer on the wards.
To receive more detailed information, read the book “Success for "dummies" which has received a rank of the most motivating book of the year. It belongs to number of the most sold books of a series for "dummies", and I am really proud of it.

All reasonable people on the earth aspire to get today the goods under the favorable prices, high quality and to test thus conveniences.

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