
Ways of struggle against objections

Any sale does not do without objections from the client.

It is not necessary to be afraid of it: it is the same natural part of work, as the first contact or contract signing. In the event that the client starts to object, you should not worry, and opposite. You should regard about what he considers possibility of purchase and wishes to be convinced in addition of his safety for himself.

Certainly, it is necessary to distinguish rational objections from the objections which problem is simply to refuse you. Such happens, when it is simply difficult to the person psychologically to say “no”, also when he is searching for the reason of refusal. In this case I recommend to ask directly about it and not to waste time.

Today I would like to talk about rational objections which is possible and is necessary to consider as the next step to sale.
For struggle against such kinds of objections there are some techniques.

Its essence consists in, that

- To listen to (Listen) to objection,
- To recognize its importance to (Agree),
- To find out, because of what there was this objection to (Ask),
- To offer the decision of this problem or to explain to the client that he has not understood (Tell).

Preliminary neutralization.
It’s not the secret that a set of the basic objections is limited enough. Having analyzed the goods and the experience, you can allocate some key claims which the client states first of all. Simply include them in the presentation and answer a question before it will arise.

The high price? Devote one of stages of presentation to material benefit with an obligatory binding to the price. Calculation should be simple and real. For this purpose the help of already existing clients at which you can check up the calculations can be necessary for you. Good step will leave to their client for quiet studying; you will show the honesty and openness, and these are all appreciated.

Be ready to unpleasant questions.
Already, probably, all know about nonverbal communications. I witnessed, as on sharp enough question of the customer the seller has become puzzled, began to answer uncertainly, and then in general has linked hands - "was classically closed". Those negotiations have ended unsuccessfully. Therefore, even if you take unawares, supervise the behavior. Sometimes even it is better not to answer at once a question, and to ask a pause: "Excuse me, I am not ready to answer your question now. I can make it later?"

The resume: you should be ready to typical objections and not worry concerning unexpected questions. And necessarily study work with objections with colleagues.

Tactics of dialogue with the doubting client
The author: Asya Vladimirovna Barysheva, the certificated psychologist of the international class, the teacher of the Moscow open social university (МОСУ) and the Russian Academy of education (РАУ).

It would be wonderful, if the client, hardly having come into shop or office, there and then rushed to like goods, attentively listened to our reasoning’s concerning the given model, stutters pair of leading questions and immediately was paid by the check or concluded the contract.
Unfortunately, often all occurs absolutely on the contrary. The client, not having listened arguments of the seller, puts forward own objections, again does not listen to the seller, again objects, any time is in indecision and... Leaves with empty hands.
It happens that doubts of the buyer have nothing general with a real state of affairs. The goods under the most favourable price are not bought, because "too cheap", "running" goods are estimated as become outdated, and to a qualitative product the label «continuous China» is appropriated. Trying to affect opinion of the client, managers at times choose the erroneous lines of conduct leading to pitiable results. They concern:
 To Dispute;
 to Leaving from a situation;
 to The justification.

To Dispute. A truism is position what to argue with the client is useless. And all sellers in words agree with the given statement. But, as soon as business reaches the usual client repeating next "nonsense", the manager, already again, begins to argue with it.
 The client of jewelry, trying a chain on durability, discontentedly addresses to the seller: «it seems to me, that this chain not so strong and will tear at the first opportunity».the seller with the impenetrable person enters conversation: «you are not right, it very strong. This is the qualitative product. We did not have any client who would come to us with such defect». The client, leaving a thoughtful condition, answers with angry tone: «it is final, they didn’t come to you when the chain has already torn. They go to a workshop».
 The managers who are getting into with clients dispute, are guided by good intentions. They want, that the client has understood an inaccuracy of own opinion. They try «to make as better». The client sees own "truth": «the Seller operates in the interests, he say so, only to sell». Dispute forces the client to occupy a hard line with which it very difficult to "shift". But even if the seller politely and correctly tries to "over persuade" the client, bringing his attention the "strongest" arguments, he stirs to the successful conclusion of the transaction.

 To Leaving from a situation. Such style of behavior is caused by following reasons: «to Argue with the client it is useless. While he will not make any decision, it is better not interrupting». In this case the seller only has caught notes of doubt in a voice of the buyer, stops any "activity". The customer feels that to him given certain freedom in goods choice is a sensation works on interests of the seller. At the same time the too long silence is regarded by the buyer as impossibility to add «anything good» about the goods. Therefore doubts amplify.

 To The justification. Sellers resort to such strategy, not so self-assured or in advantages of the goods. Sometimes, using style of the justification, they try to show, that agree with opinion of the buyer. Indecision and justified intonations in a voice of the seller sharply reduce the importance of the goods in the opinion of the consumer. Besides, the client can decide, that the seller simply hides from it any lacks: «Time the manager so uncertainly speaks about the goods, means, something here not so».

 Doubts and the objections stated by different buyers, tend to "collect" in our consciousness. Sometimes «the snow clod» grows from doubts of clients present, forcing the seller to see in own goods only one lacks. In turn, such relation to the goods generates fear before certain objection.

 Sometimes from some managers it is possible to hear: « I never doubt, I do not set silly questions, I take at once that is necessary for me ». But then in the course of the story about the personal purchase it appears, that at first it is necessary to look is better at the goods, to compare it to others, to choose what most of all is pleasant, to think and "to experience", whether it is valid it so is necessary, once again to examine its merits and demerits, to analyze, that from them outweighs and in what party. Then he accepts a critical decision. Than more largely purchase, especially intensive can be «struggle of desires » of the buyer. Sometimes these desires are in the serious contradiction with each other. It would be desirable to buy a good expensive thing, but thus not to spend money, it would be desirable to buy a thing more cheaply, but thus not to spend time for its searches, it would be desirable to save time, but thus a thing should be exclusive, etc. The more largely purchase, the more time is spent for acceptance of the definitive decision. Decisions on acquisition of the "small" goods can quickly be accepted. Simply struggle of desires wins the strongest motive faster. To work effectively with the buyer at the stage of doubts, remember: doubts - a natural condition of the buyer who is "moving ahead" on a way to end of the transaction.

 For acceptance of the "correct" decision the client, having received answers to all questions, should weigh once again all pros and cons. At one doubt occupy some days, from others - some instants. If the client states the doubts, it gives us chance to affect on the decision. If the client is silent, carries away the doubts together with itself. Doing a conclusion from the aforesaid, to us should rejoice doubts of the buyer (means, he moves ahead to the transaction conclusion) and every possible ways to "extend" doubt from the client (the "sounded" doubts give the chance to us to affect opinion of the client).

 Doubts reflect struggle of the motives occurring at the buyer. To affect on client’s decision, it is necessary to understand well, what desires and interests supervise over his actions. The client entering "fight" with own desire to "save", requires an explanation how this purchase will help it to keep and increase its money. The client, whose consciousness discussion between prestige and practicality reasons is developed, requires additional attention to these parties of the goods. Every possible standard phrases: «It is completely not expensive», «Our goods the most qualitative», «He benefits the transaction» - at times only irritate the client with that mismatch this true requirements at present.

 Doubts often express in the form of critical remarks. But actually behind them the desire of the buyer to receive more information on the goods or service appears. Each client wishes «to save the face»: to look knowing, competent and making a "correct" choice. Therefore, instead of saying: «I am simply confused by a huge choice of the goods and I do not know, that is necessary for me precisely», the buyer says: «At this sofa I do not like colour, and I doubt, whether its legs under colour of my wall-paper» will approach. Instead of saying: «I Search for the goods which would not be paid so much money, but it would give good profit», the client mutters under a nose: «Something at you are very expensive».

If the manager "has solved", what question is covered behind objections of the buyer then it will be easy for him to "warm up" desire to conclude the bargain. The buyer will favorably apprehend such help because at present just in it requires.
 Dialogue of the seller of an average hand with the doubting buyer is very frequent reminds game on rope pulling in which the manager and the client take opposite positions. In this game necessarily someone should lose. It is not necessary to enter with the client struggle for a rank of "the best expert». The transaction will be successful if we cease to "draw" the client on the party and we will play this party. Answering the "latent" question, standing up for doubts of the client, we help him to make the important decision for ourselves. And by that we reach also the purposes.

 Eight rules of work with doubts of the client 

 Rule 1. It is necessary to listen to doubts of the client attentively even if at first sight they seem ridiculous and confused. Sometimes to the client happens to sound enough own experiences and fears to understand their groundlessness. The manager attentively listening to objections of the buyer, the behaviour sends the message: «To me really interestingly your opinion even if it disperses from mine. I am self-assured, therefore I am not afraid of your critical remarks».

Rule 2. At the answer to objections of the client it is not necessary to be nervous and irritated. We know the important law: if the client starts to doubt, means, its interest in the goods increases. Turn the excitement into enthusiasm. For some clients long time is necessary to accept a critical decision. Therefore they again and again ask the same question, or again and again put forward the same arguments. In this case the seller does not need to hasten and throw the client the new information. Better once again easy to repeat that you already spoke.

Rule 3. If your arguments do not «make impressions » on the client, most likely you answer for that "latent" question. In this case it is necessary to clear, in what fears of the buyer particularly consist. In 95 cases from 100 behind usual objections personal belief of the client which logic is clear only to him disappear. "Rushing" at once to dissuade the buyer, we lose possibility to understand an essence of its doubts. It is better to use open questions. At you in a stock should be a minimum ten questions, adapted for your goods and your clients. These questions should answer the unique requirement: they should answer on a question: «In what the true reason of doubts of the buyer? »
 Any client at the statement of own doubts goes on a way of "the least resistance». It puts forward the standard objections which allow to "get rid" of the persuasive trading agent faster. For example: «It is expensive» or «Yes, this thing quite good, in the future it necessarily is useful to me». If you feel, that the client does not name the present reason of the doubts (at times it is secret and for the client), you can use the following reception. The manager: «I understand your doubts. Certainly, all of us we wish to buy the qualitative goods on a floor price. But, in addition to it, whether there are still any reasons forcing you to doubt?» Such construction of a phrase stimulates the buyer to share the true doubts. Often it appears that they are not connected absolutely not with a standard excuse.

 Rule 4. In work with doubts of the buyer we should remember one of the main rules of dialogue with the buyer: the most convincing answer to doubts of the buyer is his own answer. The client can repeat tens times, that «our firm - the most reliable». But all these phrases will not move one offer said by the client. We should build the conversation with the buyer so that he has told: «your firm - the most reliable». Sometimes for this purpose it is necessary to use specially prepared questions, and sometimes it is necessary to use "simple" receptions of active hearing.

 Rule 5. We know what to argue with the client is useless, and even moreover, is unsafe. The arguing client spends all forces for upholding of own position, and at it simply does not remain resources for perception of the "alien" information. At the same time we cannot constantly agree with the client and repeat behind it: «Yes, really, it is very expensive», «is final, our goods concede on the qualities to the goods of the competitor» or «you are absolutely right, this model will not work also two days as there and then will break». At work with doubts of the buyer it is necessary to use reception «agree and deny».

 This reception includes two parts. In the first part we agree with the possible truth which is concluded in words of the client. «At first it seems to some clients, that at this model the high price...», «it is possible, our packing not such colourful, as at our competitors...». Such phrases help the customer to understand, that to it attentively listen and partially divide its fears. It raises level of trust of the client to the seller, and now, in turn, the buyer is ready to listen to opinion of the worker of sale on the given goods with the same attention. During this moment is better to use the second part of reception «agree and deny» which enters the additional information for the client and denies its doubts.

 «At first it seems to some clients that at this model the high price. Then after more detailed acquaintance to all advantages of this model they change the opinion on opposite. Let's look, why so occurs...","Sometimes buyers consider, that our goods concede on quality to the goods of competitors. Probably, our packing are not such colorful. At the same time by results of climatic tests износоустойчивость our detail above in 1,27 times, than at similar model of competitors». It is important, that the first and second parts have not been connected with each other by a principle: «Yes..., but..."-"Yes, I with you completely agree, but all the same you are not right». Such design, even in softer forms, leads to consent "deletion". It will be better, if we take advantage of such word-combinations: "at the same time" or "on the other hand". « I understand your doubts, at the same time they do not seem me justified "," This label does not look same bright as at our competitors, on the other hand, this combination of colors allows our retail clients to allocate it from weight of similar production ».

 Rule 6. Following important step to work with the doubting client is reception of the consent of the buyer on a discussed question. Before passing to other argument denying doubts of the client, it is necessary to receive its consent with the previous argument. In no event it is impossible to pass this step in dialogue with the client. Some sellers are assured that their arguments are so convincing that all objections of the client in down and ashes there and then "carry". Unfortunately, not all clients with it agree. They can repeat the same remarks with an enviable stubbornness even if the manager effectively uses all described receptions. In this case it is necessary for trading agent to return on a step back and once again to ask the client on its fears more in detail.
 If we have not received from the client of the consent, it means, that it remained on the point of view, and it means, that we cannot move ahead further, to transaction end. It is necessary to look attentively behind nonverbal characteristics of behavior of the client. It can "signal" about the consent with the help nodding a head. Sometimes it happens enough to pass to following argument. If the client only pretends, that attentively to us listens, and himself at this time prepares the "counterarguments", the given questions will help him to state new "portion" of objections.

 Rule 7. If we have cleared all fears, «tortured» the client if have resulted convincing arguments, having received approving reaction of the customer, we can pass to a final step to work with doubts. Now we need to sum up our conversation. At this small resume there should be doubts of the client and those positive arguments with which the client has agreed in the course of business conversation. During the resume it is desirable to speak «words of the client». It will allow the customer to feel, that it accepts a critical decision itself, without "pressing" from the seller.

 Rule 8. Unfortunately, there are cases when as a result of our laborious and diligent work the client all the same remains at the opinion and does not wish to buy our goods, despite all its advantages. It is not necessary to be upset! Many skilled sellers who have received for the life of hundred of refusals, keep own calmness thanks to the following statement: «If the client" ripens ", it anywhere will not get to and will come to us again». This installation is based on the important psychological law. When the requirement for the goods amplifies, the client unconsciously aspires to buy the goods in that place where to it was comfortable to communicate.

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